
Friday, February 27, 2009

My little beauty

This is my little Featherweight. I love this little machine. She is not my first Featherweight though. My Mom had an old Featherweight that she used once in a while for mending. When I started sewing for Home Ec, I wrestled with her Featherweight to the point of frustration. It never seemed to run right. I passed the Home Ec class and one of the first things I purchased after high school was a Singer Stylist sewing machine. After my proud purchase my thoughts at the time were, why would I need that old black thing that gave me such a hard time!! So I sold it to a co-worker. For $10.

The new Singer was not a very cooperative machine. It was in constant need of repair. I felt so much frustration that I pretty much gave up garment sewing. As I began to quilt, I realized the need for a good straight stitch. A friend was getting a new sewing machine and she asked me if I would like her old Kenmore. I have sewn many, many miles on that machine. It was sturdy and faithful.

But in the back of my mind, I mourned for that little black Featherweight. The more I heard of others sewing on Featherweights, the more I lamented. I was sure that my old co-worker was still sewing on that old black machine.

On Christmas morning in 2003, there was a little black box sitting under the Christmas tree. I wondered what in the world could be in that little box. At first I thought it was some kind of projector or camera. But when I opened the lid, there sat this little beauty. My dear sweet husband and son had been on a mission to buy me a new sewing machine. I was thrilled to say the least!! But that is not the end of the story. You see, my dear sweet husband and son had gone to a sewing machine repair store and asked questions. The store owner told my dh that the Featherweight had the best straight stitch, and that quilters everywhere covet them. Hummm, but it isn't a new machine. Oh if you want a new sewing machine you need to go to the store down the road. So in addition to this little beauty, my dear sweet husband and son bought a Bernina Virtuosa 155. Can you imagine my surprise when I not only opened the Featherweight but the next box was this incredible Bernina! Two machines that I dearly love.

But more then those machines, I dearly love the sweet dear husband who has been the love of my life for over 30 years.

*** I am linking up with Colorado Lady's Vintage Thingie Thursday. Because it is my anniversary I wanted to share what my sweet hubby did for me a few years ago :-) Happy VTT!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Welcome to my cottage

We don't exactly live in a cottage, but in my heart it is. It is the cottage that we bought when we first married. We have raised our three children here. I love the oak floors. We have a large back yard where we have grown vegetables, roses and now a lemon and orange tree. There used to be a tree house in the old large water oak. I could never go up there because it was so high it made me dizzy.

But the memories are rich and full in this little house of mine. Laughter at the dinner table, games at the kitchen table. Children practicing piano and violin. M & M cookies baking in the oven. I used to even brew my own sweet ice tea, a southern tradition.

Welcome to my cottage.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Butterfly bag

A month a go, my BFF came down from cold country and spent a week with me in cottage paradise. We visited quilt shops, tea rooms and worked on projects together. Last April, we spent a week together in Paducah. We bought fabric and patterns to do buddy projects. This is the result of one of the projects. BFF bought her pattern and fabric in Paducah, but I found my fabric in a LQS. I loved the butterflys and hoped that I could make it work. TaDa!! Butterfly Bow Tie Bag! As there was some fabric left over, I am working on a little change purse to match. I found the pattern on this site -(sorry I haven't figured out how to imbed websites yet).

"Blessed are the Quilters, for they are the Piece Makers"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a day!

What a day! My dd plays with a string trio and today they played for the Bridal Event in a local department store. There were all kinds of bridal vendors on display. The girls played for three hours! Whewww... I was tired just watching them. But maybe one of the brides would want these lovely ladies to play at their wedding. Their music is classical and romantic. Wish I could give you a clip, but a picture is all I can condure up for now.

Please stop by Pieceful Afternoon blog site - There is a 10,000th visitor give-away (and more!!). Wow! I am just starting this blog, and I cannot even imagine having 10,000 visitors. But if you have stopped by this afternoon, welcome to my blog. I am happy that you paid a visit.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tea Time

Savoring tea is a really fun thing to do. Today my dd and I enjoyed a wonderful lunch at a special tea room called Camillia Rose. We enjoyed chicken salad on a bed of fresh greens, a pot of tea, and soft delicious scones. It was fun to plod through the antique stores and pick through all the pretties. We were searching for a desk for the boys room. No desk, but just a fun day. The weather was so nice and the company sweet.

I am hoping to start working on some quilts this week.

Have a wonderful day and remember to make someone smile.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A New Day

Today is a new day. So how do you start blogging? What is the purpose of journaling thoughts and happenings. This is all new to me, but I hope to share and document my quilting experience and other events through this webblog.

Today I finished listening to "Pride and Prejudice" on audio. What a great author Jane Austen was. She can put a story together with such style and a little bit of liveliness of mind that draws you into the lives of her characters. After reading P & P 3 times through and viewing the movie, it was fun to listen to the characters come alive on tape. It makes the mind work to picture the scenes and the whole story line. The next audio I am planning on listening to is "Persuasion".

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Day

Today is the day to start a blog. Welcome to my blog!