
Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

In the US, Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It is a day set aside for remembering and honoring those who died while serving in the American Armed Forces. This holiday has also been called "Decoration Day", and is the unofficial beginning of summer.

The holiday began around the time of the American Civil War. More Americans died in this war than in any other US war. According to tradition some women chose May 30th to decorate the graves of the Civil War soldiers.

In 1971 Congress passed a law making Memorial Day a national holiday. Originally it honored those who died in the Civil War, Spanish American War, World Wars I and II, and the Korean War.

People of the Christian faith see a spiritual application to Memorial Day. According to Biblical writings and history, Jesus died in a spiritual struggle for the destiny of mankind. Without His death, which paid for man's sins, all humanity was lost, and had no future with God. Because of Christ's sacrifice, Christians enjoy a relationship with God and know their sins are forgiven. Churches have a memorial of Jesus' death. It is often called The Lord's Supper, Communion, The Lord's Table and others.

I am thankful for the men and women who gave their lives to keep our country free. I am thankful for a Savior who saved me from the punishment I deserve and gave me the free gift of Life eternal.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast
(Ephesians 2:8-9).

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bread for the Journey

Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,
but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.
Indeed, the water I give him will become in him
a spring of water welling up to
eternal life.

John 4:13-14

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wrestling Prayer

A couple of years ago, I came upon this book in my daughters room. The title was intriguing, so I picked it up and started reading. I was riveted.

I had never heard of these authors before, but apparently they have written several books, together and separately, and all I can say is WOW!!! This book impacted me as no other has since reading "Knowing God" by J.I. Packer 25 years ago.
A quote from the back cover -

"Do you long to pray more effectively? Are you ready to pray with real power and experience real results? Powerful prayer leads to powerful living. "

Does that capture your attention??

"Wrestling Prayer is the key that unlocks the supernatural strength that moves mountains and calms storms. It can radically transform your life and unleash God's power in ways beyond what you can even imagine."

Eric and Leslie Ludy have a contemporary writing style, and at first I was not quite prepared for their easy going manuscript. However, this young couple opened my eyes to the power and magnitude that powerful prayer can unleash. They share about the Mighties of scripture and how God used these men and women and desires to work through you and me in the same ways.

Here is an excerpt -

"There is a vast shortage of believers who simply believe with childlike faith that God even desires to build such super heroes in our modern day. We have far more faith in the power of the enemy to defeat us then we do in the power of our God to deliver us, change us, empower us, and demonstrate His mighty nature in and through us."

I was overwhelmed with the account of David and the faith that brought him through his trials, sorrows, victory and miracles.

"Seek to know your King in such a way - to lean your head upon His chest, to know His most intimate thoughts. For this is where the Mighties are made."

"To pray is the ultimate wisdom - the highest act, the most brilliant behavior, the most perfect expenditure of the human life."

"Effectual, fervent prayer is how God changes this world and bestows upon it the beauty, grace, and power that HE purchased at the cross."

This book is powerful, not a formula for prayer, but a testimony of God's power and His desire for us to know Him.

You can find it on Amazon. 
 Disclaimer: Neither the publisher nor the author paid me for this review. All opinions are mine alone.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Shades of red - the saga of pre-washing fabrics

I normally pre-wash my larger pieces of fabric.  In the past I always would pre-wash my red fabrics, as they do tend to bleed, but one time I was in a hurry and lived to regret it.

Case in point. I am gathering up fabric for the red and white quilt.

This time I threw a color catcher into the wash load with these red fabrics.

WOW! What a deep shade of pink.

Feeling this was a lot of dye that was released from the fabric, I decided I would run the reds through another load.

Yep, color catcher gave me another lovely sheet of pinks.

So next time you use reds in your quilt, do you think you would pre-wash the fabric, or take the chance??

Check out this informative YouTube by Weeks Ringle.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hand Made Lace

Isn't it sad so many of the crafts that were once made by hand, are being lost to this generation. When I traveled to Belgium a few years ago with my sweet hubby, we visited a shop that still had hand made lace.

The lady in the shop gave us a little demonstration on how the lace is made.

She told us it takes eight years to learn how to make fine lace.

She also told us the younger generation is not interested in making lace, so many of the shops sell imports.

Some of the lace was so amazing and very beautiful.

This shop was closed, so we could only see what was displayed in the window.

Maybe one day there will be a resurgence of interest in making fine handmade lace.

Have a beautiful week :-)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sins of the Past - a Book Review

Three amazing stories. Three compelling story tellers. All bound in one book. Each story combining suspense and romance.

Dee Henderson wrote a mystery that would bring fear to anyone who finds a loved one is "Missing". A puzzle that leaves a Wyoming sheriff baffled when his mother goes missing from her retirement community in Chicago. Time of the essence, the clues don't seem to add up. Ms. Henderson's story left me wondering what in the world happened. That always makes for a good mystery.

Dani Pettrey's "Shadowed" made me smile when I realized she was bringing to light the beginning  events of the McKenna family. I have enjoyed each one of Dani Pettrey's Alaska adventures and this one did not disappoint. When the body of a competitor swimmer is found, the mystery of how and why loom heavy on her former roommate. What kind of foul play shadows Libby and brings danger to her and her new friend.

"Blackout" is the first works I've read by Lynette Eason, and I was immediately won over. Ms. Eason wove a story that was compelling and left me wanting more. Why was someone after Macey? A mystery that draws her neighbor into the danger that Macey feels will leave him dead. Will her blacked out memory bring back the events from six years ago? This story is a real cliff hanger.

I would definitely give this book a five star rating. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, May 13, 2016

A dolly quilt

Isn't it funny how when things in life change, it brings new opportunities. Like the very soon arrival of a first grandbaby. A girl.

Digging around in my pink stash, I set about making a baby quilt. And then I came across this oh so girly fabric and thought I would make a dolly quilt too.

After all every princess needs to have a quilt for her dolly. Right?

Happy quilting!

Monday, May 9, 2016

My Pressed Flower Friend

Today would have been my BFF's birthday.  Diane lost her battle with cancer 11 1/2 years ago.  But I still think of her and miss her.  In memory of Diane, I wanted to share this poem, written by Sherry Morris.

My Pressed Flower Friend

In my book of memories, 
there is a pressed Flower that fills a page,
With a gentle fragrance lingering still,
though it's faded now with age.
The way my Friend smiled and laughed,
The many ways she cared,
Are a legacy that she left behind
In stories I love to share.
So remember the hearts who've touched
your life,
It's what we each are here for.
A pressed Flower gently reminds us
To love and treasure our friendships more.

I love you Diane.  Your Fragrance still lingers.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Her children rise up and call her blessed.
Proverbs 31:28

Monday, May 2, 2016

Organizing fabric

I've been on a mission to get my stash organized! Not so that it looks pretty, but so I can find what I need!!!!

I've been blessed with a closet to stash my stash. But this is how it looked before.

Yes, fabric in plastic tubs. And it seems like I am always moving this tub, so I can get to that tub......... you get the picture.

If you look on the right I bought a wire basket system to try. It's what Alex Anderson recommends for storing your stash. The part I like best is I can actually see inside the baskets without having to touch every single piece of fabric.

Soooooo.................. I went back down to IKEA (love that store) and bought more! And my sweet college boy put them together for me.

Now a word about the IKEA storage system. After I bought the first one I happened to go to the Big Box hardware warehouse and priced them there.

The price on this 4 drawer set was $61. The same basket system from IKEA was $19.99 (+ $7 if you add the top). That's a difference of $34 per unit!!! So it looks like I can get more sets for my money from IKEA.

And now the task of sorting the fabric has fallen on my shoulders ;-D There was room in one corner of the closet to stack two shelves together and as you can see, I've started the process.

I've already found one huge benefit of using the wire shelves. I can SEE my fabric!!!! And I don't have to run out and buy something that I already have (cause I can't find it!!). It's also nice that I can store fabric that I don't use very often in a container on top of the shelving. Like Christmas, Fall or children's fabrics.

It's been like Christmas finding beautiful fabrics that I had previously purchased but were buried deep in the containers.

I know this will be a benefit in the long run. It sure makes for Happy Quilting!