
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

My Sewing Space

Have you ever had a night when you just cannot sleep? It is happening more and more to me lately :-(  So one night I was in my sewing room and decided to try to move a few things around.

The plan was to move my cutting table over by the window. Opening up the floor space.

After I successfully negotiated the table into the corner, I needed to move the chair that had been by the window.

Hummm, no room there.

Ok so the chair was over by the closet to where the cutting table used to be. It really did open up the floor space, so I can lay things out as needed.

Have you ever tried to figure out the best use of your sewing room? Are you satisfied with how things worked out?

Monday, July 25, 2022

Wedding bells

 Weddings are always a sign of a new start.

The bride loves sunflowers. The theme of the wedding.

The beautiful bride with my two sewing/ quilting buddies.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip


The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip is the debut novel by Sara Brunsvold. And by far the best novel I have read this year.

When I first glimpsed at the title of this book, I was hesitant. It was not very appealing to me. But once I read the story, it all made sense. 

Aidyn Kelley is an ambitious young writer for the Kansas City Star. After making a huge blunder by pushing too hard to get ahead, she is given the menial job of writing the obituary for an unremarkable woman, Clara Kip. But Mrs. Kip is still alive and living in a hospice facility. Aidyn soon learns that Mrs. Kip is anything but unremarkable. 

The spirited Mrs. Kip leans towards helping others.  Aidyn learns just how much Mrs. Kip's persuasion has affected so many lives. 

Mrs. Kip's words of wisdom -

"What did you do after your husband died?"

The old woman took a breath that sounded tainted with discomfort. "I did a lot of hard things. But hard things usually end in the biggest blessings." Mrs. Kip nodded at Aidyn's notebook. "Write that. That's gold, too."


"I did nothing amazing, Miss Kelley," she insisted. "Despite what you've been told. I simply tried to love people as best I could for as long as I was privileged to be with them. We don't stay long in each others lives - that's the crux of our humanness. You have to be the friend people need while they are there with you, because it's the only chance you'll get."


"The Lord hides his warriors in the most surprising places, Miss Kelley." 


This was such a touching story. One that made me cry at the end. Miss Brunsvold writes with such heart. The characters and dialogue were extraordinary. I loved the humor and compassion. The writing was the best example of show don't tell. You must put this uplifting clean book on your must read list. It is about an assignment that changes two lives forever.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views expressed are my honest opinion.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Across the miles


My beautiful daughter left this morning making her way across the ocean to the Asia Pacific region. Traveling 7,643 miles.  She will serve there for a year, training and equipping nationals and teaching English as a second language. Please remember her as she travels.  Thank you!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Doing the impossible


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

To Have and To Hold

Anniversaries are a special time of reflection. Looking back over the years, both the good ones and the not so good, and remembering that special day.

49 years we have passed together. It's wonderful to be married to your best friend.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Slip Slide

 I have been quilting for a long time. I sometimes struggle with my cutting ruler, especially if it is a long one. So I finally gave up and applied this.....

What a difference!!

No more slip sliding :-)

Friday, July 8, 2022

The Last Way Home


The Last Way Home (Prince Edward Island Shores Book #2) by [Liz Johnson]
How difficult is it to come home after leaving without saying goodbye?  Eli Ross left, joining the NHL on his way to fame. But when the tides turn and he loses everything (even the shirt on his back) will he be welcomed home?

Liz Johnson has crafted a story that takes you back to PEI. Where love, mercy and forgiveness is at the heart of this story. Eli has gotten himself in a big mess. Being kicked out of the NHL, he has no where to turn. After being gone for 10 years, he shows up in Victoria where he grew up and his family still lives. Hoping to make amends, he finds Violet Donaghy has been adopted into his family, and she does not like him. Not one bit. But as time moves on, and their secrets are revealed, Eli works at doing the right thing. 

Liz Johnson takes her characters to the heart, and brings them to a place of letting go. I loved how Eli and Violet conquer their anger, fear and reserve to come to need God more than others. This is a sweet story of family bonding and coming together. Helping one another in need.

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Update from Ukraine

 Not so much in the news lately but the war in Ukraine continues. Here is a post from our friends the Sobies, who live and work there. 

Dear family and friends,

  We can’t believe that this war has been going on for more than four months.  Today is the 133rd day.  
  We live now in Zaporozhia which is still, thank God, under Ukrainian control.
  Scott is very busy with different ministry opportunities.  He is invited to share in many churches around us, he donates time at a city volunteer center and regularly shares salvation messages at meetings with refugees where they are receiving humanitarian aid.  (Here’s a link to a video update from him today)
  We also try to meet the needs of individuals around us.
  One of them, with whom we recently met and shared humanitarian aid, is a young lady named Nastya.    I want to share a little bit of her story because it might help you get a glimpse into what so many are experiencing here.  
  I met her on an internet chat thread for people evacuating from our area.  She used to live not far from us and like so many Ukrainians, she decided to leave her town because of the enemy occupation.     
   She had to travel in a car with several other people but when they got to Vasilievka, the last Russian-controlled town, they were stopped.  Russian soldiers at the checkpoint didn’t allow civilians to leave the zone.  The convoy of cars which was trying to leave was enormous.  Nastya, with her 1 1/2 year old daughter, sat in the car waiting all day and then all night.  Then came the second day and the second night.  Russian soldiers were unmoved even by the little children.  They said, “You need to go back.  We have our orders.  We won’t let you through.”
  Nastya didn’t want to live under Russian oppression, so she was determined to stay and wait.   She told me that after a third night in the car she felt like she was going to go crazy.  The days were stifling hot and you can imagine the smells and the weariness of the people all around.  
   “On the fourth day, there was a miracle!  Two hundred of the vehicles were allowed to leave,” Nastya shared.  So, they made it to safety! 
  Of course, you’ve heard of the cruelty of the Russian army and the Russian government, but there is so much more than even what you have heard in the news.  So many people have left the Russian occupied zones (in some areas, 60-70% of the population) that the Russians are now trying to make it very difficult for people to escape their control.  “Who is going to work for us?” is their very practical question.  
   Also, they have announced that all the possessions of people who are leaving can be confiscated by the Russian authorities.  Homes and businesses are not exceptions.  It was also announced (even in our town) that due to the small population which is left, people from Russia will be allowed to come and claim houses and apartments that belong to Ukrainian citizens who have left the area.  Just imagine your lovely home, everything you’ve invested in over the years, all the work…and if it wasn’t bombed or destroyed, it was simply taken away from you.  A stranger from Russia can claim it, sleep in your bed, use your dishes and not even appreciate all that you’ve poured into that place to make it a cozy home.  
  When people were fleeing they couldn’t take much.  We understand them.  When we left it was April and we traveled in coats and boots.  Now, it’s the hot summer and all our seasonal clothing was left behind.  Scott brought only three shirts and a few pants with him.  We girls were able to squeeze in a little bit more!  But I’ve seen people coming to safety with almost nothing, grateful just to be alive.  (By the way, don’t worry, we’ve found some good second-hand stores here and our family is doing fine with clothing now :-)
   Over the last months, there was a lot of clothing, food and hygiene supplies donated and many churches here in Zaporozhia have been transformed into warehouses as well as spiritual help centers.  Refugees can come and receive humanitarian aid while hearing and experiencing the good news of life and hope in Jesus Christ.  The local churches are truly rising up to meet the needs and pass along the generosity of so many from the west.  
  Yes, dear friends, we are surrounded by suffering and devastation here in Ukraine.  But we are continuing to hope and to plead with God for deliverance.  He is our Anchor in this dark time.  
  Thank you for continuing to lift our family up in prayer and to ask the Lord, with all of us here in Ukraine, for a miracle to bring an end to this war and an end to the evil being unleashed upon these people.   
  With love, Oksana

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


I have been doing puzzles. It helps to keep my mind busy on days when I am at home, and I so enjoy doing them.

This lady was a little bit of a challenge. But I finally did finish it.

I thought this one would be hard with all the solid colors of yellow and gold.

But it went together beautifully.

Then this one ...........

There were so many people in this puzzle.  It was fun to find the people as it came together.

Lastly, this hot air balloon puzzle was one that went together so quickly.

Thank you Dollar store for inexpensive puzzles. Is doing puzzles something that you enjoy? I find that if I pace myself I can see the "whole" picture.  Have fun!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy 4th


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
God Bless America.

Friday, July 1, 2022

The Dirty Dozen

 I recently learned about the Dirty Dozen, hosted by Country Threads. Every year starting in July, you select 12 projects and put them on a list. It runs until next July. Each month Mary chooses a number and quilters work on that project. This year she has added a second option where you can choose a color to work on a new project. At the end of the month you send a picture of your project.

As I have several UFO's (although I don't think I have 12), I would like to jump on to this challenge and see if I can work on finishing quilts. If I don't have enough to complete the 12, I can choose the color to work on. Big and lofty plans but hopefully it will motivate me to complete these quilt tops that keep hanging around.  There are no rules, just a fun game to inspire quilters.