
Friday, June 26, 2009

Tea for Two

What makes Afternoon tea so special?? Well one thing is good food. Pretty tea cups. And the tea, of course. The ambiance of the tea room. But mostly it is having tea with a special lady. Today I enjoyed tea with a sweet "new" friend. We met for tea and talked, and talked. It was good "girlfriend" time. We enjoyed getting to know each other a little better.

So here are a few pictures from our most enjoyable Afternoon tea.

A collection of fun hats. And no we didn't wear any :-)

Such a delightful view.

Silver service on the mantle.

More beautiful silver service.

A charming sofa area where tea and lunch can also be served.

And the bathroom............

So much fun and beauty, even in the Ladies powder room.

These murals are painted on the wall of the Ladies powder room.
(I think if you click on the picture it should enlarge)

I hope that your day has been as delightful as mine.

Happy quilting :-)


  1. What a NICE tea room. We have a few nice ones within a reasonable distance of here. Until a year ago, I had never GONE to a tea room. Now I've gone twice and have plans to go again with the gals from our little neighborhood quilting group!

  2. My day certainly has ... because you were in it to help start my day. TYSM

    WHOA! Love the tea room, the roses decor is fantastic. Love it. Glad you all had such a lovely time together.

    Have a super weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. Oh what a beautiful tea room!!! I could just sit there and gab for hours. What a wonderful setting for meeting a new friend.


  4. What a beautiful tea room! I want that sink in MY powder room...beautiful!

  5. What a fun time, the tea room is wonderful and I do love that powder room. That sink is amazing.

  6. What a pretty tea room. Happy Pink Saturday.

  7. What fun you must have had! I love tea rooms too! There is a Great on in Savannah Georgia too!

  8. What a beautiful place. I just love the sofa and especially that lamp.

  9. the tea room, tea sets, powder room....thanks

  10. The tea room is so lovely and romantic!

  11. Wow, what a place! LOVE that bathroom. How could you not enjoy yourself there!
