
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow

Every post that I am reading today is all about snow! My goodness a lot of you will be having a White Christmas this year.

So to help you with some fun blog hopping, check these out! My sweet friend Micki all the way over in Ireland is having a wonderful giveaway. I told her I would send over my followers. So please take a really quick trip over to Donegal County and sign up for her giveaway.

And did you know that Shelly from Prairie Moon Quilts is having a Twelve Days of Christmas giveaway too? If you have missed the first part of the giveaway, you still have time to sign up. Just go back to when she started, and leave a comment.

And lastly, Fabric Artist 21 is adding something new everyday to her giveaway! So hurry on over and leave a comment.

Okay, I am not really one who likes the snow, but it is such a lovely time of year to have giveaways. So here is my advice to you -


  1. My post isn't .. chuckle! We are BURIED ... 20"+ & still counting. Yippee skippy! Love it!

    Chuckle ~ it's just me!
    Huggers, TTFN ~Marydon

  2. I love Marydon's hat don't you? I could not enter Fabric artist contest...I don't see where to post it..
    Thank goodness it's not us getting the snow this time!
    Merry Christmas

  3. We have snow too but not the massive amounts on the east coast, thank goodness. Nothing better than a white Christmas but I hope they all get dug out for their Christmas travels.

