
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Did you know?

  • Flowers and other blossoming plants have nectarines that produce sugary nectar. Worker bees suck up the nectar and water and store it in a special honey stomach. When the stomach is full the bee returns to the hive and puts the nectar in an empty honeycomb. Natural chemicals from the bee's head glands and the evaporation of the water change the nectar into honey.
  • Popcorn pops because water is stored in a small circle of soft start in each kernel. As the kernel is heated, the water heats, the droplets of moister turns to steam and the steam builds up pressure until the kernel finally explodes to many times its original volume.
  • In 1970, consumption of broccoli was only a half a pound per person. Today, the average person in the United States eats four and one half pounds a year.
  • The most popular sweet pepper in the United States is the bell pepper.
  • Peanuts are not actually nuts. Peanuts, like soybeans, are members of the legume family.
  • Heart valves from hogs are used to replace damaged or diseased human heart valves.
  • The eggshell may have as many as 17,000 tiny pores over its surface. Through them, the egg can absorb flavors and orders. Storing them in their cartons helps keep them fresh.
  • The bright orange color of carrots tells you they're an excellent source of Vitamin A, which is important for good eyesight, especially at night. Vitamin A helps your body fight infection, and keeps your skin and hair healthy.
  • In the United States, lettuce is the second most popular fresh vegetable.
  • There are about 7,000 cherries on an average tart cherry tree. It takes about 250 cherries to make a cherry pie, so each tree could produce enough cherries for 28 pies!
  • The first ice cream cone was made, served, and eaten in New York City on September 22, 1886. The maker, Italo Marchiony, was granted a patent on his cone mold in 1903.
  • Americans eat about 125 pounds of potatoes a year, about half from fresh potatoes and half in processed foods.
There are just some things in life that we need to know :-)

Have a great day!


  1. Thanks for all those info nuggets!! I'm pretty sure I only new one thing on the list.

  2. I love reading stuff like this :0)


  3. I too love these kinds of posts! I'm happy to learn new things as much as I can. I can't believe how many times I say, "I didn't know that!" Hope you are feeling much better. My plan with the book is to start over once done and read it with a highlighter and notebook/pen handy. I think it's her writing style that makes it so difficult. I don't want the "artsy" sentences, just give me the meat of it. I do believe the "meat" is there. I am going to dig harder. Let me know if you take it up again. Perhaps we can figure it out together!

  4. I love reading things like this. What fun. I had a piece of cherry pie for dessert last evening!!

  5. Hey that was fun! I enjoy tidbits of information like that.

  6. Fun, I am glad to see people are eating more broccoli. I love broccoli.

  7. I can't remember the last time I had broccoli, lol - guess I better get busy to get up to the average! Interesting tidbits!

  8. Oh My Gosh!! I feel SO much smarter! These are so fun! Thanks for sharing---

  9. Well, my Dear, what a treasure trove of information today! Thanks for sharing these fun facts. I found the broccoli one interesting, as I have loved it forever, but know of many who don't! Have a great day!

  10. What a fun post...and I loved learning all this today. Thanks for your research...:))

  11. I love knowing these types of things...there are so many interesting facts in just every day things, aren't there? Thanks for sharing with us, Jocelyn! It's a fun post!



  12. Here is another little fact for you, they also use cow's valves to replace human heart valves.

    Thus is you don't eat pork they will give you a bovine/cow valve!
