
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We are quilters, that's all

I have to say I am so glad that I did not read the post that started the uprising. But all of the responses I have read are beautiful. You can read some of them here and here. I am not an award winning quilter, not even close. Some things are harder for me to do then others. My desire is to make quilts that offer comfort.

These three quilts are winging their way to Japan. It is my hope they will find their way to someone and offer comfort through their devastating situation. You still have time to send a little bit of hope and encouragement. You can read about it on the Call for Quilts for Japan.

Have a great Quilting day!


  1. Wonderful quilts you are contributing...good job.

  2. Love your quilts for Japan.

    I do what I like, easy, simple.....who care, I do it for me and if someone comes along and appreciates it...I am the better for it. so....I am with you on this one!

  3. Very sweet of you to make these. They will give someone comfort, you can be sure of that.

  4. Nice! I am sure that your quilts will be very appreciated. Thanks for sharing them. They are simply beautiful.

  5. Those are very lovely quilts, Jocelyn, and I know they are going to be loved and cherished. You know, I keep seeing on different blogs about this "discussion about quilting" that has gotten everyone up in arms. I guess I live under a rock, but I have no idea what this is about...what happened?



  6. Your quilts are beautiful. I am sure someone is going to feel the love wrapped in them!

  7. to make the heart feel good! to be cherished!
    wonderful. I have not idea either what has gotten everyone up in arms!

  8. Wonderful quilts for a wonderful cause.

  9. Well I don't really understand what "dumbing down" means. But if it means simple, I am the queen of simple things. I know as a beginner, I love quick projects that I can learn from and finish quick so I won't get discouraged. Someday I hope to do what you are doing for someone. I can tell you that I think you are awesome for giving the gifts to help Japan. You will be blessed.

  10. Your quilts are wonderful and given in the spirit of love...what a treasure.


  11. Very interesting post. And I love, love, love your quilts and I'm sure the lucky recipients in Japan will love them too. Thank you for being you and for all you do.


  12. The quilts are lovely Jocelyn and will absolutely bring comfort to someone :0)


  13. Jocelyn,

    Such lovely quilts. You will be blessed for blessings the Japanese.

  14. I'm not sure what all is going on here. When I look at a finished quilt that was difficult to piece and quilt, I appreciate it for the 'art form' that it is... However I love colorful simple quilts!
    I'm fairly new to quilting and blogging, meaning I haven't made many quilts and I haven't blogged long. I'm still learning to do both. I like to buy and play with fabrics :) But my life is difficult enough without going into my sewing room and fighting my way through difficult sewing projects.
    I can only hope the simple quilts, blankets and pillowcases that I make with care and love for family, friends and charity ... will provide warmth and comfort for those that receive them.
    Please know, I think your quilts are lovely. I feel they will be well received and provide warmth and comfort in Japan.

  15. They are LOVELY. A quilt is a personal expression of love - especially when made for someone who is hurting. You're sending hugs, girl.
    I've read a few dumbing down posts lately, and while I recognize the frustration, you're right, we're all quilters! Our reasons for quilting are varied, just like the quilts we make. And that's how it should be.

  16. Very well said, your quilts are WONDERFUL ! !
