
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I've been working on finishing up the Project Linus quilts.

All that is left is the binding at this point.

I'd love to get these in the mail by the end of the week.

What have you been working on??


  1. What a wonderful quilt for project Linus!!

  2. This is beautiful. Lovely fresh colours :)

  3. You have been so busy, the quilt for project Linus is coming along beautifully. What a special gift and loving thing to do.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  4. You go, girl!! I've been working on trying to get my quilting self in gear. Does that count?! LOL! :)

  5. oh that is lovely. I used do lots of quilts for PL. Not so much anymore. I just finished a tree skirt for my mother for Christmas. You can come by and see my blog for pic of it. I really need to quilt more. I've done very little quilting this year :( Happy Hump Day!

  6. What a great project! I'd love to make some for PL. Maybe after my Christmas stitching is done....

  7. Wonderful! I'm sewing down the binding on the last gift quilt for this Christmas. Hope to finish it tomorrow evening with my Sit and Sew group.

  8. I've worked on a little bit of everything :)
    It looks like you work hard to help others.

  9. Love your donation quilts! I've been plugging away on a quilt repair for someone that has been a bear, but it's almost finished :) I'm looking forward to starting another project!

  10. That's a beautiful donation quilt.

  11. Great project to be working on.
    I am working on a "give thanks" little quilt so I can get it in the mail to my sister.
