
Saturday, December 3, 2011

I'm a follower........ I think??

Are you having difficulty with Blogger lately? I have tried and tried to add, and manage the blogs I follow but to no avail. There were a couple that I needed to delete, as they have been dormant for a while, and others that I wanted to add. But every time I think I've added someone to my list to follow, they are not there the next time I open my dashboard. The ones that I've deleted are still there!!

I went to the Blogger site, and this was the best answer that I found -

Brett from blogger
Google Employee
The Blogger Team
Best answer - DarkUFO (Top Contributor) Go to this answer
Really appreciate everyone's patience. We've identified the problem and hope to have the fix rolled out shortly. I'll make sure to update this thread once that happens.


You did notice the date, right? Last Tuesday. So hang on to your list to follow, and hopefully Blogger will get this tool fixed.

In the meantime, I guess I will have to keep looking around blog land. There were several new blogs that I thought I was following, and it hasn't happened :-(


  1. Me too....things keep disappearing and then coming back on blogger. I keep sending back feedback! I haven't been able to delete old blogs either. Hopefully soon.

  2. I've had some trouble posting comments on the blogs I follow . Hope blogger gets its act together soon. ;-)

  3. I have had this problem for years with blogger. I have been kicked off I don't know how many blogs as a follower. I just go and follow again when I find out.

    My worst experience with blogger is when they deleted my blog entirely and I had to start all over again.

  4. I haven't noticed problems following (that doesn't mean I'm not having problems, mind you), but I have tried deleting a few blogs, only to find them still there. Glad I'm not crazy or senile.

  5. I've had problems getting blogs to show up in Reader too. Sometimes it takes a few days - I'm not sure why. Glad to hear it's getting fixed!

  6. I had some problems with blogger also. I saw on someone's blog that she switched to Google chrome, so I did. It fixed all. running great, able to make comments. Love it!

  7. I've been having that problem since October..glad they are finally trying to fix it.

  8. I have been curious if something was going on. I'm hosting a giveaway but only one of my followers commented until I emailed others directly. I got comments but mostly from bloggers completely new to me.
    So check me out :-)
    Giveaway alert!

  9. if you read your blogroll through google reader and follow (through the followers button) a new blog, posts won't show up immediately. you'll get older postings when the author publishes a new post after you follow.

    clear as mud?

  10. Ahhh, that explains why I haven't been able to delete blogs that are no longer being updated. Thanks for the heads up!!

  11. I am glad that I am not going crazy. I am trying to downsize my blog list, and it keeps going back and forth.

  12. I too thought I deleted a few blogs and they are still there. On my iPad this week igoogle stopped working...strange.

  13. Sounds like blogger is at it again.I had access to my blog denied and telling me my blog was spam??? go figure,finally got it sorted out but it did take a bit of time and effort to get back on track.Hope yor problems are sorted out soon for you :) Barb.

  14. the loonies are running the asylum.

    every time i delete an old blog from google reader, it still appears in the dashboard. i'm almost ready to give up google reader altogether, which i really don't want to do. i wish everyone offered Atom.

  15. Two words - Google Reader! You can add them either by following from the blog, or by URL. If they don't show up in my Reader right away, I add them by URL too, just in case. They do show up on my Reader only once.

    To unfollow, you actually have to go to the blog and click the follow button again. Took me a long time to figure that out, lol.

    I hope blogger gets it fixed soon...

  16. Thanks for researching and sharing insights. While my fav blog following tools is Google/Reader, because of all the issues I've certainly been using a variety of other tools to follow blogs. And, even with those that I read the problems with google/IE to leave comments make it such that I read more than I leave a comment. Frustrating, but I do see a few issues getting resolved and hope all of them will be resolved if we collectively stay vocal.


  17. I'm glad to read all of this. I haven't had a lot of problems since I switched to Firefox. IE8 wouldn't let me stay logged in.
    I did have problems with my last post, and I do think that was a blogger problem.
    I just wish when you had problems that you could get answers a little quicker.

  18. I've had the odd problem lately with comments on others blogs disappearing or suddenly I'm not receiving updates via Gooogle Reader and discovered I'm suddenly not a follower of that blog. I just follow again and it seems to solve the problem.
    @ Allie - I'm glad I'm not the only one that took ages to discover how to 'unfollow'!

  19. If it isn't one thing with Blogger it is another ... all the time!!!

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

    PS Pop over for out GIVEAWAY

  20. I am so new to Blogger and already faced a problem with the Follower gadget. Arrgghhh!!! I thought it was me doing something wrong. My stats show a greater number of folks following me than what shows on the gadget! I know of some who have let me know that they are following but I can't see them!
