
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Being Versatile

About a week ago Meggie on the Prairie honored me with this Award. I was totally surprised! Thank you Meg for thinking of me. I have so enjoyed blogging and making new friends from all over the world.

I did a little research and there are a few rules when accepting this award! Here they are:

Thank the blogger who gave you the award
Add the Award badge to your blog
Create a list of seven things about yourself
Pass the Award on to 15 other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blog

A few facts about me -
1. I love quilting
2. I am a thriftaholic
3. I love to try to capture the Kodak moment
4. I love to watch old movies
5. I have read all of Jane Austen's works
6. I enjoy gardening, although I don't have much of a green thumb :-)
7. I am married to THE best guy in the whole world

So now I am passing this Award on to the following inspiring blogs There are so many beautiful and creative blogs that it is really hard to narrow down a list. Here are some, in no particular order.


  1. Way to go Jocelyn - couldn't agree more!

  2. Bonus....I'm a bonus....oh you are just too sweet Jocelyn....but I already knew that :)

    You have listed some excellent blogs....I see we both follow a lot of the same blogs.

    I know why you got this award to begin with....Hugs, Kelly

  3. Thank you so much, Jocelyn, for including me in this award! It really does mean a lot coming from you.

  4. A big congrats to you...a very well deserved award. And what a wonderful list of great bloggers you have passed it on to!

  5. Thank you for sharing the list of things about yourself...congratulations on #7.

  6. Congrats on the well deserved award! Thanks for stopping by. I wish I would have known about the Tea room in Fort Myers cause I am not there anymore. I am in the Tampa area now and will fly home from here....Christine

  7. Congratulations Jocelyn! Isn't it nice when someone - out of the blue - recognizes you in such a wonderful way? I want to say "thank you" to you to for putting me in the same position. :))

  8. You are such a sweetheart to mention me, Jocelyn! Thanks so much for the wonderful award. You don't know how much it means!! Well, yes you do since you got one, too!

  9. First let me congratulate you on winning a well deserved award. woohoo!

    Thank you so much for bestowing the same award to me. I feel blessed to be included in a list of incredible bloggers. I appreciate you and your friendship, Jocelyn.

  10. You certainly deserve this award. Your posts are interesting and full of good quilty stuff! Congrats!
    and ps...I love Jane Austen too :-)

  11. Congrats Jocelyn, you certainly deserve this award.
    Is it possible that we both married 'the best guy in the world'? My guy is pretty great.
    Thanks so much for honoring me with the award. You are so kind to include me in the list of other sweet ladies.
    I am off to visit some of those other blogs that I have not seen before.

  12. Congratulations on receiving this award! I love your blog and many of the ones you listed.

    Life is good in blog land, I enjoy following along.

  13. Congratulations Jocelyn, and thank you!! I'm honored to be included in such exalted company!
