
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Crafting for health?

There are so many different aspects to crafting.  I think we all need some kind of creative outlet.  Whether we are good at something, or just enjoy the process.

Are you a sensitive person?  Do you notice fine scents, sounds, tastes or works of art? I tend to notice sensory changes. 

 For so many years I would stuff it down, and try to conform to what everyone else was doing. 

When I recently read an article on how crafting can actually advance healthy living along with  joy and creative satisfaction, I stopped to ponder about this.

Whether it is cooking, gardening, knitting or sewing, crafts have become a proven way to bring sanity and calmness in a sometimes hectic world. You see apparently the brain cannot dwell on stress when it is engaged by the repetitive movement of your chosen craft. 

 Sometimes you come up with a solution to a problem when you give your brain a break.

So is that the reason we should cook, garden, knit, or quilt??  No I think the reason is that we enjoy it. And in turn that becomes our "therapy". 

Crafting makes us happy, and we can also make other people happy, by making gifts for our family, friends and charity.  

So let's think of it this way.  The quality may not be perfect, but in the end, you have gained a healthy attitude and you have not wasted your time :-)

To find out if you are a highly senstive person, you can do the self test at this website Highly Sensitive Person.   I found this self test on Hooked on Houses blog. 

(Subject matter was inspired by an article in Living magazine November issue)


  1. Well said! I have always enjoyed crafting and I'm not quite sure when it became therapeutic, but I know that it is!

  2. I too enjoy creating! I agree! DH enjoys cooking and baking so we are getting into our own good grooves!

  3. Oh I definitely agree ... for me, handwork especially is therapeutic! But honestly, working with crafts from creation (acorns, sweet gum balls, hickory hulls, leaves, flowers, etc.) gives me incredible delight! :)

  4. I totally agree, Jocelyn. There's so much I could say on this subject, especially as it relates to me but I won't bore you with details.

    I am firm, firm believer in taking time to seek out a creative outlet. We all have hidden talents and we just need to keep looking till we find 'the' one that makes our hearts sing. I live in retirement community and I can't get over how so many do nothing but wait for the next doctor's appt. Oh, I could go on and on. LOL

    Thank you for sharing something so important.

  5. I knew this even before reading your post. A little embroidery each morning, first thing, is almost essential to my well being.

  6. Couldn't have said it better; I know crafting and baking helps me through difficult times and makes me feel relaxed and invigorated. Great post!

  7. My blog title is Quilting & Other Craft Therapy, so I know this to be true! Although I still find myself straying away for long stretches of time when I probably need to be creative most. Being aware is the 1st step to change, right?

  8. I've worked with my hand since making mud pies and putting Froot Loops on the top when I was five. Not kidding...

    Then my Auntie taught me decoupage.
    Then I learned to sew.
    Then I learned to paint.

    I love to watch quilters work (only have done a wee bit)...

    I love to watch my momma crochet and I loved to watch my gramma knit. Both escape me.

    In the end I do what feeds my own soul. I try and to follow my own calling and try not to be conformed to anyone elses.

    Beautiful post.

    Love, Rebecca

  9. I am sure mine would say overly sensitive....

    Crafting takes the blues away and give me a sense of accomplishment!

  10. Yes I agree. Whatever craft you enjoy does have a calming effect and a feeling of achievement and satisfaction.

  11. Well Said, my life is pretty stressful. If I didn't quilt and do other crafts my quality of life would not be good. I ran across a quote that I love and have at my desk that says just that! "Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." Twyla Tharp Lizzie

  12. I find knitting to be the thing that reduces my stress the most. Something about hand work and repetition that is calming to me. I enjoy piecing and applique too whether it's by hand or machine. It's the actual quilting that can sometimes cause stress if it's not going well.

  13. Quilting truly is my therapy. =) Great post!!

  14. Quilting truly is my therapy. =) Great post!!

  15. What a fantastic post! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  16. I enjoyed this post a lot. Do what you like and you can't go wrong as far as "therapy" goes.

  17. For me, the easiest way to calm down, relax, or settle my mood is to do something with my hands. Great post!
