
Friday, May 24, 2013

Welcome to the neighborhood

A new store has popped up in our town.  And I've been waiting to pay my first visit.

I've been watching for the opening of The Container Store!  So yesterday when I took my hubby to the airport, I found my chance to take a tour.

Wow so many ways to store and organize.

And talk about color............

Just about every aisle was a rainbow of color!

And I didn't leave the store empty handed...............

woo-hoo, what an adventure!


  1. I stop at a Container store every now and then but it is 85 miles from me, so I too do not go often - I could spend a fortune (which I don't have!) so many nice things but some are pricey

  2. Please ask them to come to Belgium.
    I visit them every time i am in the US.

  3. I have heard of them but have never seen one of their stores before. But it might be a good thing...I would want to buy something or lots of somethings...

  4. I LOVE the Container Store. I've done all my closets with their Elfa system to maximize storage and organized my kitchen and studio with all their accessories. Lucky you, XOXO

  5. We don't have one nearby but we stop when we're visiting my brother is Austin. Everything is so cute and you just want to get organized. And doesn't seem to happen!

  6. I probably would have left my entire paycheck there! I love boxes. I wish I had a container store close to me. I am going to have to find out where one is!

  7. Wow, what a store, we don't have one here in the UK , I'd be there if we did lol. I love containers they're so, so useful. Thanks for sharing.

    Peg xx

  8. You are lucky...I live in Wisconsin, and the closest one is in Chicago. I even contacted the company to see if they had plans to put a store in our such luck!
