
Monday, August 19, 2013

Down for the count

Have you ever had a wrestling match with your vacuum cleaner?

I had one today.  

We had company staying with us for a couple of weeks, so this morning I decided to get things back in order and cleaned.  

It won!


  1. I battled with mine just last week, and mine won too! THey are evil.

  2. I did have 2, but last week the smaller one was having a hissy fit so I threw it down the stairs and straight out to the rubbish awaiting collection. Now I have 1 and it works like a dream. And we think they are inanimate.

  3. it good or bad when the vacuum wins?

  4. Must be the season...
    My new as in only used 4 times...refused to 'work' this weekend. The roller brush melted! Seriously considering ditching the carpet in the sewing room, it is so much easier to sweep up threads.

  5. I know just how you feel. Hugs

  6. I'm still waiting to get back to my routine of cleaning with all the unpacking I've done. Vacuum cleaner awaits for me too, XOXO
