
Monday, February 10, 2014

First finish

of the New Year.........

Here is the completed table runner. 

It was such fun quilting this piece.  I love how it turned out.

A couple of people asked about the star block.  I have made these blocks from this Quilt in a Day pattern book.

I've had this book for years, so I'm not sure it is still in publication.  Easy to follow directions, and the points always line up!


  1. Love this runner-so perfect for the month of Feb. I've done some stars like this and they are so fun.
    All my quilting is now packed and won't be out until the summer. It is hard not to have something to work on!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. It's so pretty!
    I need to make some runners for my sisters before all the holidays of this year start!
    This pattern and color would be perfect for Valentine's Day.

  3. Youe quilted runner is very pretty.

  4. I've also had this book for years, I've made so many table runners as gifts. Seeing your lovely table runner makes me want to make a quilt using this block. Love it, it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a pretty table runner. I am inspired to take a peak through some of my old quilting books.

  6. Congratulations. I love celebrating finishes. And this one is beautiful. Great job.


  7. I like you new runner very much & the colors are great. So nice to have a smaller project that you could quilt on your machine.
    For those wanting to make the exact pattern, I checked on eBay and they have several used copies starting at $2.99. Just enter- Burns Star all seasons" and select the category of Books or Crafts.
    I have several patterns for similar to the one you made. Instructions for the block can be found for free online at www. Quilter On the home page click on page 16, find the picture of this star they call "Double Friendship Star", click on the picture & you will be taken to the instructions. It is a 9" block, but can be enlarged to the size of the star used in the the Happy Cottage Quilter's pretty red & white runner.
    I hope this info. helps everyone who would like to make this striking runner for their own table. Thanks for sharing your project. I am off to select my red fabrics & start cutting. This will be perfect for practicing my machine quilting.

  8. I really like your tablerunner and the way you quilted it makes the tablerunner that much better! Red and white is a perfect choice too - looking at the blue on the pattern , it's just not as appealing.

  9. Gorgeous runner. Ok, I must ask: are you a member of the Celebrate Handquilting group on Facebook? Someone there posted a runner that looks exactly like yours ... was it you?? ;-)

  10. GREAT table runner!!! Now, a table runner MIGHT tempt me to try... a more manageable size. LOL! Beautiful! blessings ~ tanna

  11. I just love flowery fabrics. Even more if they are in shades of pink and red. So your quilt suits my tastes! And I like the way you used three contrasting fabrics to make your stars. They stand out and catch the eye!

  12. I too have this book and have made many from this pattern. it comes out different with each change of fabrics. great job!

  13. Beautiful punch of color for your table!

  14. What a beautiful table runner…love the pattern! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. So pretty ... I have spent the week trying to figure out the measurements on these block pieces ... finally got them and have been making Valentine potholders ...

  16. Ooooh, nice. Gotta love stars and very nice.
