
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Grand Opening

A couple of weeks ago, my sweet hubby and I were invited to a grand opening of a Bar-B-Que restaurant  that is owned by a friend of ours.  He already had two other locations, but this restaurant is right in the heart of downtown.  Directly across from City Hall!

It was a really big deal!  All kinds of city officials from the Mayor, to the Chief of Police to the Fire Chief were on hand.

Not to mention tons of TV reporters!

From left to right.  The owner, Daniel Hernandez, the Mayor, Fire Chief and Chief of Police.

The Mayor giving the Hog the first wack.  Would you consider that a ribbon cutting?

Two sweet girls sang the Star Spangled Banner, as the crowd gathered outside.

I guess this was the sacrificial hog.

I rarely get downtown anymore, but I was totally amazed at this wall depicting historical downtown Tampa.  As you look at it you might think it's a poster of some kind.  But the beauty of this is that it's all a mosaic.  When you get up close you cannot make out the details, but from afar it was beautiful.  A patchwork quilt of sorts :-)

I know this isn't a quilt related post, but I thought I would share this day with you.  It was something I've never done before. I hope our friend does well in this prime location.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love BBQ but prefer to see it in the ready to eat stage (not the pig with his head on stage - ha!). And that reminds me that there's a new BBQ place nearby that has gotten good reviews ... that we need to try.

  2. We love BBQ at our house too....and enjoyed your post!!

  3. Gotta be good! There's a pig on the sign!

  4. I can get excited about the idea of BBQ....but please don't tell me it actually came from an animal...especially not that pig...cuz then I can't eat.

    Crazy I know....I used to be a vegetarian.

    The place looks great...congrats to the owner.


  5. I have to say this looks inviting; I'm a vegetarian and even here in North Carolina, I am tempted, XOXO

  6. I used to work in Downtown Tampa and loved it. Good luck to your friends with their new location. It looks like a great place to eat!

  7. If I ever get to Tampa again, I'll be sure to look it up - sounds delish!!!!
