
Monday, November 10, 2014

On the Quiet Front

My blog has been quiet for a while.  And there is reason.  Firstly, I traveled with my hubby to the great state of Texas a couple of weeks ago.  Nothing creative happened during that time away.

Secondly, my hubby's father had a stroke, while we were away.  So that has changed the complex of family life for the time being.

Thirdly, I have undertaken the task of moving my sewing/quilting room into the vacated room upstairs.  Our youngest, soon to be married, son moved out last month, and being that it is an available space, I have captured it to be my Quilting Cave.

Here is the space.  And little by little I've been moving things upstairs.  My hubby and my older son moved the heavy furniture last week, but there is still a lot to be done.  One thing that I have come to realize is that I won't need to buy any fabric until the year 2020!!

I will let you peek in as I organize this room.

Until then  - Happy Quilting!


  1. it is amazing how we all have so much fabric available to us isn't it and we find even more when we clean out the sewing cave.
    hope your father in law does well

  2. Sorry to hear about your father in law. Hope things go well for him. That is going to be a lovely room when finished.

  3. What a nice bright window. Sounds like a lot of fun ahead. Hidden treasures to be unearthed again. Could be a lot like Christmas! Enjoy the process.

  4. I do wish a recovery to your FIL and hope he is feeling better. You room is going to be great, I have 2 spare rooms but sew in the kitchen as it is the easiest room to heat , I just light the top oven and it is nice and warm. Just as well I live on my own but it is a pain putting everything away as I like to keep tidy, if I sewed upstairs I would just close the door on the mess

  5. Exciting to have a new space for work! have fun making it 'perfectly workable'!

  6. I still haven't unpacked all my fabrics! What do they say about the one with the most fabric when she dies wins!! My sewing room got separated from my studio and it's upstairs...I love it. Happy moving, dear friend, XOXO

  7. How awesome to have a room all to yourself ... a quilt cave! Lucky you!

  8. What a big space. I'm still trying to find time to pack up my youngest son's stuff, so that I'll have more room in his old room (he moved to Alaska, and can't take most of his stuff at this time). Have fun organizing everything.

  9. I hope your father in laws prognosis is good. I'll be thinking of you all.

    Your new sewing room looks like a nice sized room. I have a small bedroom and it's nice having a dedicated space with a door that can close! I'm looking forward to seeing the peeks you show us and hopefully a final reveal!

  10. Praying for your father-in-law, hon, and I definitely want to see after pics of your new space!

  11. Prayers being included....looking forward to watching the progress of your sewing room. Bet you'll have a ton of fun putting it together!!
