
Friday, November 21, 2014


Progress in the  Quilt room has been moving, somewhat slowly, but it's getting there.  I've had to move books, magazines, a ton a fabric and a variety of sewing accessories upstairs.

But here's where I'm at for the moment.

Sewing machine is currently situated in front of the window for the best light.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I  love to read.  I've moved many of the beloved novels here, so maybe one day I'll be able to have a comfy chair where I can do some reading or hand work.  The closed cabinet door holds quilting projects bagged and ready to go.

So for now, this is where I will start.  One day I'll get a design board set up instead of the flannel backed tablecloth.  There are lots of possibilities with this space.

But for now, Happy Quilting!!

Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway, which ends this afternoon :-)


  1. What a wonderful quilting room this is turing out to be :-D

  2. Nice! I'm trying to get all mine 'm from the basement! Stairs are getting harder for me as I age - so I'm hoping to get all on one level soon!

  3. It is looking great. Like you, I love reading too.

  4. It's wonderful!!!! I'm envious of your light. The only time I can really see in my sewing room, with the lights off, is early morning - otherwise I have to turn ALL the lights on. Can't wait to see all the projects that come out of your new space!

  5. looks like you have a good sewing room here, great light and plenty of space, happy stitching

  6. As others have said, the light and space are so nice. Perfect for what you are doing in this room.

    I love seeing where other women work their creative magic, thank-you.

  7. wow look at all that glorious room. Have loads of quilty fun.

  8. So nice that you can have your own room, set up the way that works for you. Sincerely, Paula K.

  9. What a nice size space! I am sure you will spend many a happy hour in your new sewing room!
