
Friday, August 28, 2015

National Sewing Month

Did you know that September is National Sewing Month?

  The observance of National Sewing Month began in 1982 with a proclamation from President Ronald Reagan declaring September as National Sewing Month “In recognition of the importance of home sewing to our Nation.” 

September is a time to celebrate our passion, but we know the creative, therapeutic and calming effects of sewing( and quilting) are joys that we can celebrate throughout the entire year.

Happy sewing!


  1. I'd forgotten that September is National Sewing Month. And while the only sewing that I do is in piecing my quilts, I definitely am sewing. ;-) It's not too late to celebrate. ha!

  2. how good to have a sewing month, hopefully it will catch on over here one day. Not that I need an excuse for sewing every day
