
Thursday, October 1, 2015


Do you ever wonder what happens to the quilts you've made? Have you gifted them or made them for family members? I think the highest praise a quilter can garner is to know that a quilt you made is well loved.

My youngest son and his wife recently moved to a larger townhouse. While my DH and I helped them move, something caught my eye.

I made this quilt for my son when he was seven or eight years old. He loved dinosaurs and slept with it every single night. About six years ago, when the backing became worn and areas pulled loose, I replaced the backing.

And there it was, folded and piled in his bedroom. It really sort of took me by surprise. I asked DIL about it and she said he sleeps with it every night.  Awwwwww!  I felt like it was a big hug from me :-)

There's always a reason for Happy Quilting!


  1. Those are the BEST quilts...ones that are stitched and given with love and then treasured and loved. So sweet. Makes me heart melt with happiness.

  2. Truly the best kind of quilts!!!! My grown son still uses his too - both my boys do. Even the baby quilts they keep in the car, lol, for emergencies. When cars break down here in winter, you get cold fast!

  3. That is exactly how I feel. When I make a quilt for my daughter and granddaughters, it's a way to give them a big hug even though we are miles away from each other :) Quilting is not just an art, it is a way to share our love.

  4. How lovely that he still uses it every night.It must mean so very much to him

  5. Oh my, I can imagine how pleased that makes you. That reminds me that I've got two of the quilts I long ago made for DD ... they need new binding (one actually needs to be pitched because the fabrics in the quilt itself have gotten so threadbare that I'd have to replace virtually every single piece) ... knowing that she's loved and used those quilts until they're practically falling apart makes me so happy.

  6. You are so right...I love knowing that my quilts are being loved, it makes me so happy! Just this week I met a little girl who I made a baby quilt for, I always see her on her moms facebook with her quilt that I made, love that!!
