
Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Celebration table runner

With the 4th of July celebration upon us, I wanted to finish binding this table runner I had started last year.

No pattern. I started with the blocks and added the red, white and blue fabrics and just fooled around with them until I came up with a design I liked.

The runner is long, but I do like the final result. 

And here it is on my dining room table.

All ready for the July 4th celebration. 

Happy Quilting!


  1. How come we can finish a project, all except the binding? It just sits there, in our sewing room, getting stuff stacked on it, while it waits? I had over 8 pin cushion thread catchers, just waiting for me to fill them with sand or walnut shells (which I had lots of) and to sew the last 2 seams closed. They waited over a year, as I kept passing them in my sewing room. When I finally got around to finishing them, it only took a few hours for all of them.

  2. Great design! You should go pro. ;o) It's one of the cutest red, white and blue table runners I've ever seen.

  3. looks so good on the table liking how you have done the ends into a point too

  4. Perfect for any patriotic celebration!

  5. That really is a great runner you designed! Love how festive your dining table looks.

  6. I love your patriotic runner! Great design. Your idea of adding little flags to the flower arrangement is so cute and festive.

  7. It looks gorgeous on your table, stars and stripes forever, happy 4th!

  8. You did a great the design and it looks so nice on your table!
