Lady Adelaide Bell, a shy neglected younger sister, finds herself married to Trent Hawthorne, younger brother to the Duke of Riverton. A man she barely knows. Trent, being honor bound to marry Adelaide, his family famous for their romance marriages, loses his dream of marrying for love.
How they learn about each other and the society of their times, led me to understand how complicated life was in the early 1800's. And how courtship and being introduced to society played such an important role.
Although the book continues with a family history, it is a stand alone story. I found it to be entertaining and thought provoking, as two young people find their way in marriage. I'm looking forward to the next story, when Griffith, the Duke finds the love of his life.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions of this review are my own.
Thanks for the review....I'll give the author a try.