
Friday, January 13, 2017

Featherweight to the rescue

Working on a new quilt, I noticed the pressure on my Bernina was not holding true. It could be because I was working with a lot of bias fabric.

When I noticed the border appeared to be wrinkling, I tore it out and set up the Featherweight.

I continued sewing on both borders.
Sometimes it just works better to use old faithful.


  1. I love having my "old faithful" machine to fall back on. Soon, it will be put to work for a while, so the newer machine can have a spa day!

  2. I have not even got mine out in over a year! You have inspired me to get back on my quilt!

  3. love my featherwieght too but do miss the needle down that my bernina has

  4. Yay for the Featherweight! I love mine too but I seem to use my needle down on my Viking SO much....that quilt is just gorgeous.
