
Friday, November 16, 2018

For the coffee lover

Even though we live in the deep south, I have a couple of people who live with me who love the cold weather and more importantly the snow. So to keep the resident coffee lover happy, I made her a Mug Rug.........

You can't get snowflakes any bigger then that! And I like the way the back looks too.

I guess this Mug Rug could be reversible.

Okay enough with the Mug Rugs. I've got other larger projects I need to work on ;-)


  1. Hi Jocelyn! I read you title and said to myself, that's ME! I love and adore coffee. Everything about it. The lovely scent, the smooth texture, the taste as you take your first sip, the warm feeling in your tummy as it warms it way down, and last of all the smile it puts on your face as you return for you second sip. YUM! Have I convinced you into loving it yet?! What a cute and thoughtful make. I would be happy to send some of our snow down by you!! It is unusually early for snow for us, but nah there's no climate change. Anyhoo - thanks for sharing your cute project! Happy Saturday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Love it!!! And yes, it's perfectly reversible - good job!

  3. What a fun and satisfying quick project! I need more projects like this one on my to-sew list. The thrill of a fast finish can motivate me for more daunting, bigger projects!

  4. Mug rugs are a very lovely addition to enjoy a cup of tea. This is very lovely!
