
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What would you do?

A while ago I found a very cute doll form. It was just an interesting item that caught my fancy. I brought the form home, and even though I am not a garment sewer, it has been fun to look at the form and think about how to use it. But a vision kept coming into my mind. Can you guess what it was??


I don't have a very large selvage stash, but surely there would be enough for this. And I can always cut some selvages from my fabric stash ;-)

And so it grew......

Until we went from this............

to this...................

I found some pretty little buttons at the fabric store, and just had to add it to the dress.

Have you ever found something fun and made it
your own?



  1. Whoop, whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You clever gal! The perfect "dress" made of the perfect fabrics! Yeah! Elaine Adair

  2. Cool dress form and I love your apron! I have been saving selvages for 10 years and I've made a few things with them, but nothing big. Still waiting for that perfect idea to use them!

  3. Absolutely, this is wonderfully clever. Thanks for inspiring today.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  4. That is so cute...what a great use of selvages! :0)

  5. Such an adorable dress for your dress form! This makes a cute decoration to look at in your house.
