
Monday, May 13, 2019

Times Two (giveaway)

Have you ever bought something, not knowing if you had it already?  Well I found I had an extra copy of The Pioneer Woman magazine. (I bought one and my subscription started with the same issue).

So I thought, maybe I have other duplicates hanging around the house.  Digging around I found I had two issues of 100 Blocks Vol 2 and Vol 4.

Hummm...what other goodies could I unearth!

Well as it turns out, there were several. So why not share?  I'm going to stuff as many things into a Flat Rate envelope and send it to one of you!

Just leave a comment on this post (and if you are a follower you may leave a second comment telling me how you follow). Because of the increasing cost of postage, this offer is for you sweet friends from the USA.

I'll choose a winner on Saturday May 18th. So jump on in and make my day :-D


  1. How sweet of you. I don't have any of those.

  2. I've come across duplicates before, many times. I follow you thru my blogger dashboard.

  3. It is so hard to not purchase duplicates sometimes! For cross stitch, I have an app that helps so much but for quilting, it's almost impossible. My memory isn't that good! :)

  4. LOL!!!! Well, I can't believe I didn't find any duplicates when I spring-cleaned my sewing room - but I do have duplicate books on my shelves!! Our library had a ten cent cart, all books on it are 10 cents, but now they're FREE. It happens!!!

  5. So sweet of you to offer all these wonderful goodies. I had not heard of the Pioneer Woman magazine before, sounds interesting. If I'm lucky enough to win, I'll share with our quilt ministry members.

  6. I follow via my blogger dashboard though I also receive email notifications of new posts.

  7. You never know what will be found when Spring cleaning. Looks like a fun giveaway.

  8. I have to admit, I have done that a time or two, also! :) I usually send the second copy on to a friend. Thanks for sharing with us!

    Sandy A

  9. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in my duplicate purchases. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow! What a treat! Thank you!

  11. How lovely of you to share your goodies with one of your lucky readers! I've done the same thing, thinking I hadn't bought it, only to buy a second one. I usually give the extra to a friend. Next time (will there be a next time?) I will go with your idea for a generous! duchick at gmail dot com

  12. I am a happy Bloglovin' follower of yours!
    duchick at gmail dot com

  13. I didn't know that the Pioneer Woman has a magazine. I watch her show on television every weekday. You are not alone when it comes to buying something and then discovering you already own it. Great giveaway ... thanks!

  14. I've done that myself!! Thank you so much for such a wonderful giveaway!!!

  15. I got excited!! I follow your blog via email!

  16. What fun reason to do a giveaway, Jocelyn! I've been getting your blog posts to my email for a long time now. I have a New Jersey mailing address.

  17. I follow you with e-mail...great way to clean out your sewing space.

  18. Yep I have donated to my free spot at my favorite quilt store my magazine. .

  19. I didn’t know Pioneer Woman had a magazine. Would like to win!

  20. I receive your emails. So sweet of you to share! When I have duplicates I ask my quilt friends if they want it. If not my guild has a raffle table and I donate unwanted items.

  21. Very sweet of you to share with us. I have bought books before that I already have or mentioned how much I like a book that I have and someone will get it for me. Luckily I have a lot of sewing friends to share with.

  22. Jocelyn, I’m guilty! Thank you for your generosity.

  23. Isn't it funny when we dig what we find . Thanks for sharing

  24. My goodness. I would love to have these. Thank you for being so generous.

  25. Isn’t it funny what we find we start cleaning out our “stashes”? Thanks for the opportunity!!!

  26. This is so generous of you. Thank you. Hope you have a fabulous week.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  27. I follow you by email.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  28. That looks like an awesome load of goodies!!

  29. How nice of you to think of us! Love that you want to share. I follow by e-mail. ckrutjo at g mail dot com

  30. Oh my! Surprise goodies! Who doesn't love those. Thanks so much for the chance. :)

  31. I love surprise envelopes. The best part is when you go through them and then you can pass along to others anything you think you won't use. A two for one.

  32. Thanks so much for the sharing/drawing. Looks interesting and fun!

  33. Oh, I follow via email. Melanie

  34. Ho Jocelyn! I wasn't going to leave a message . . . but I didn't even KNOW the Pioneer Woman had a magazine. We watch her show every Saturday and Sunday morning while having coffee with my friend's mom. We've enjoyed watching the kids grow - both girls at college already, and one son driving! Plus the dogs - sweet Charlie. Anyway, thank you for the opportunity and for the news about the magazine. ~smile~ Roseanne
