
Monday, February 17, 2020

And the reason is....

Someone said that I hadn't shown much quilting lately. And there is a reason.

Health issues have been plaguing my hubby and me. Mine has been ongoing for the last five years. Which makes for some pretty down days. My hubby has had recurrent episodes with syncope which the doctors cannot seem to find the source.

I've never felt that my problems should be your problems, but if you have ever had issues with UTI's or IC, you will know the pain associated with it can be pretty debilitating. 

So on a brighter note, I'm working on a shadow box quilt for Project Linus.

Wishing you a fair weather day and happy quilting!


  1. I'm sorry you and your husband have been plagues with such awful medical issues...none of them is fun and definitely makes you take a step back from what you would like to do. Your Project Linus quilt is adorable!

  2. Good health wishes and hugs! You are always so cheerful and bright. That's why I visit the blog.

  3. Hope you both get relief on your health issues. I have never done a shadow box quilt. I have two great city panels and I might have to give one a try using one. Why didn't I think of that BEFORE?!? You gave me inspiration.
    xx, Carol

  4. My mother in law has been dealing with UTI's for several years now. She did finally have a surgery that is supposed to help. It has been better, but now she is getting over a kidney infection instead. No clue what is causing either of them. I hope that you can get some relief, and also that they can figure out what is causing your hubby's problems. Scary.

  5. Oh dear heavens - I can totally relate to UTI’s 😢. Not fun or convenient! I dealt with them about 30 years ago (I’m 56 now). If this can help - they do tend to go away as you get older for some reason. There is hope! You probably have heard this already, it’s good to drink cranberry juice (not cocktail). I couldn’t stand the taste of cranberry juice back then, so I don’t know if it really works. If you want to chat about it, you can email me anytime ❤️

  6. I have only had a UTI 3 times in my lifetime and it was 3 times too many! My heart goes out to you!!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues - praying for both of you! Love the quilt you're making, and your journal cover is absolutely scrumptious!!!

  8. Fighting health issues changes your life. I hope you and your husband can find some relief!
