
Friday, June 26, 2020

Answers to questions

A couple of you have asked about the state of the trailer and my hubby. As I am not able to contact you via email (no reply and a rejected email) Here is the answer.

My hubby hasn't had any issues with the trailer. But if you have been reading my blog for a while, you will remember that he had some health issues a couple of years ago. And again in January where he actually passed out while driving his truck. Thankfully he had a friend with him who grabbed the wheel and they were able to get the truck to the side of the road. So the issues are more about his concern with something happening while pulling the trailer. We have loved and enjoyed our trailer. It is comfortable and large enough for my big guy. Yet it is streamline to drive. We can park it in places the other big rigs have trouble with.

So don't be afraid to go for a trailer. Just find the one you like. We picked the Airstream because they hold their value and don't leak.
Hope this answers your questions. 


  1. Your Streamline is in pristine condition and going to make someone very happy, for many years to come, to enjoy great adventures. I just hope a family who will really treasure it is the one to buy it.

  2. That looks like a beautiful and comfortable trailer. I’m glad you’re enjoying it,

  3. I am so glad you posted pictures because I wanted to see it. I wish we were in the market for one. It’s my dream RV...

  4. Wow, I now alone, but that sure looks tempting - wish we had given consideration to traveling, years back. It's lovely. Good luck with sale, good wishes to solve DH's health issues.
