
Monday, September 14, 2020

Your Hospitality Personality

"Hospitality is a gift both given and received."

Your Hospitality Personality by Morgan Tyree was a delightful insight into why hospitality is an important part of our lives. Finding your personality type opens a path to opening your home and showing you how to maximize your ability to being a host.

"Hospitality hurdles can stop you from being inclined to host, but they don't have to. They can instead motivate you and help you to grow as a host."

With the onset of the Covid pandemic, it's been hard to gather together with friends and family. Yet we are created to connect with people. It's a natural flow of fellowship, whether for a meal, coffee or social media. We can't all model the perfect hostess, but this book helps to define our hospitality personality, and guide us in discovering our strengths and weakness. Learning how we respond to the pressures of hosting, this book will help  you develop tools as a host.

Take the test. I think you will enjoy finding out what your hospitality personality is.

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely check this book out. Thank you for sharing insights.
