
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

All packed up


A very sweet young lady and her mom came to see the HQ Sweet Sixteen and fell in love. They were both so excited about getting this machine. And I was just as excited to be able to pass it on to someone who will use and enjoy it.

So this is what my sewing room looks like now. But I still don't have any desire to sew or quilt! I go into the sewing room and sit, and look around, pondering. I have shared fabric with ladies who are doing QOV and Project Linus. Until I get some mojo back, the room will remain quiet. 

Wishing you a happy quilting day :-)



  1. I love the cabinet your sweet sixteen was in!! Was it custom made?

  2. That’s sad you lost your quilting mojo. The room looks beautiful but it’s too neat and tidy, you must feel like a guest when you go in there. Creativity is not a neat process, get in there and reclaim your space and make a mess.
    Best wishes have enjoyed your flower pictures

  3. Covid stole it. I am getting mine back by starting instead of finishing..and by thinking of comfort quilts for the hospital...or sewing two charms together...or online zoom sit and sews. That being said, I love just looking out the window..xo


  4. Oh goodness sweet friend ! Maybe it's this times of COVID,a fierce health crisis for humanity and we're not near over yet. Sometimes it overwells me the thought of when will this be over and done with !
    Your Mojo will be back one day soon. This is such a great room and you have so much talent.
    Have a blessed Easter Sunday.

  5. Maybe you just need a special project to get your mojo back. Mine is missing, too, but I have to keep plugging away at one project. Hopefully my mojo will come back when this project is finally done.
