
Monday, November 15, 2021

So sad

 Have you ever gone back somewhere, thinking that you will find the magic like before? On our recent trip to the mountains, I wanted to go the co-op in Dillsboro NC. We have visited it for years and I always enjoyed finding some little something that caught my eye. 

Well this time I was so disappointed. Yes, they had a lot of stuff that was hand made by locals, I guess. But they just weren't up to what it used to be. The most interesting was the few wall hangings.

We drove an hour out of our way, but we won't be going back. There was always two friendly elderly ladies at the desk, but this time there were two young girls, who were more interested in socializing then helping you. Almost all the shops were closed in the town. I'm so sorry to see this little gem of a town losing how special it used to be. 


  1. Yes, I do know that feeling. I tried visiting Florida a while back but was shocked at how unhappy the visit was. Realized all the people who I used to visit were not there any more - it had lost it's spirit. One of those darned lessons we don't want to learn.

  2. I agree very sad. Possibly this store has just been impacted with covid and will come back to being on par sometime in 2022. But then I've heard of other similar stores, around the country, who have done quite well during covid. Clearly, I do not have a crystal ball. Sorry you made such a special trip and didn't find the normal thrill of shopping at this store. Boo hoo.

  3. COVID has affected so many businesses, especially the craft shops and mom and pop places. It is sad but I have found something coming back. Communities are starting up craft nights or what my mother called her "garden club". I was sure it was a 50's 60's 70's thing of the past. But younger people are becoming interested in this and I am hoping it takes off. It may bring out the crafting in more of our youth.

  4. Covid has killed many a business, and kept the older people, or more vulnerable people at home. I'm so ready for Covid to go away!
