
Monday, January 30, 2023

What is the most meaningful thing you ever made?

This could be a pretty hard question to put into words.  I've made lots of charity quilts for babies and familes that have lost their homes, possesions and loved ones.

But I think the most meaningful thing I ever made was a quilt for my friend Diana.

I had every intention of making a quilt for Diana and her husband when they celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. It was in September, but somehow the date got away from me.  So I purposed to make it for them as a Christmas gift.   I finished the quilt and presented it to them for Christmas.  She and her hubby were both very delighted. 

Diana had been diagnosed with cancer 5 years previous. The very next month after receiving the quilt, Diana found out that her cancer had returned, and with a vengeance.  She lost her battle on September 26, 2004.

I never took a picture of the quilt I made for her, but I share this last photo of Diana and myself the Easter before she passed away.  Diana was head and shoulders above me both physically and in character.  She had a truly warm and giving heart.  I still miss her.

Thanks for letting me share.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Valentine's Pin Cushion

I made these Yo-Yo's with the Clover Yo-Yo maker. The size of these Yo-Yo's are extra small. But I think they will be perfect for this little Valentine's pin cushion.

                                      Sew and Tell

                                      Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?

                                      Finished or not Friday

                                      Peacock Party

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Windswept Way


Windswept Way by Irene Hannon is book #9 in the Hope Harbor series. A stand alone story. 

This story is unique in the way that Ashley Scott and Jonathan Gray address issues which could make one uncomfortable. Jon, severely wounded in the war, has many deforming scars. He has hidden himself away, being a landscaper, avoiding people because of the rejection he has been subjected to. Ashley, recovering from a failed relationship, finds Jon to be kind and is fascinated with his integrity. As they both wonder if a romance could develop, they find their way through prejudice at Jon's appearance. Jon takes a chance by his willingness to let Ashley see who he is, both inside and out. The book is about beauty being only skin deep and it's the heart of the person that really matters. A lovely story.

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Thank you


Thank you so much to each of you who responded to my Dilemma.  I was given a lot of good suggestions. And I responded to several of you. This has been a difficult decision for me to make. But I am hoping to share my fabric with people who will truly use it for Charity quilts. I would love to see it go towards those less fortunate then we are.


Thursday, January 19, 2023

A dilemma

 As I stated before, I have been quilting for a long time. And as such have accumulated quite a large stash. The problem being that I feel that I am moving away from quilting. And I would love to donate fabric. But I am finding it difficult.  You see most places accepting quilt donations are wanting patriotic fabric for QOV. Or mostly for children's quilts. I have already donated almost all of my red white and blue patriotic fabrics. As well as children's prints to Project Linus. Which leaves me with some pretty beautiful fabric that could go to Hospice or nursing home patients.  

Does anyone know of places where they could use fabric like these?

I have checked Jo's Country Junction. And Pat Sloans list already. But again they are looking for specific fabrics. Or quilt tops.  I would appreciate any advice you could offer, maybe some places that you have donated to before. I do NOT want to give them to GW!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Storing projects

 I have been quilting for a long time. And you know what? I'm still learning something new. 

Recently I have been following Pat Sloan and her January challenge. She started talking about storing her fabric and she gave me a wonderful idea to store projects.

I found these boxes in the craft store in the scrapbook section. They work great to store your pattern and fabric together. I've been guilty of buying fabric for a specific pattern and then after a while, I don't know where the pattern is, or the fabric I bought. This makes it easy to keep everything together. Have you ever found yourself in that situation?

Thanks Pat. It's a great idea.

Thursday, January 12, 2023


 As I have been digging though my scraps I came across lots of selvages. Years ago I had made a bag using selvages .......

and I continued to save them, thinking that I might make another.

But as a January clean up, I'm pretty sure I won't make another one. At least in this life time.

If someone would like to have them, all I ask is for you to pay for the postage.

Leave a comment below and you may find a gallon size bag of selvages on your doorstep :-) If no one wants them, they will go in the trash bin.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Using scraps

Over the years I have saved scraps. I just cannot throw away fabric that I could use one day. But lately, I just don't seem to find a project to use them. I've been watching Pat Sloan and her January challenge. She talks about using her 2 1/2" squares for a free quilt. So it gave me the idea to try to organize my scraps into useful squares. 

Right now I am cutting them into 2 1/2" squares.

Cutting them with my "GO" baby really helps to be accurate and quick.  

I know I am a long way from having enough to make a quilt, but it is a start. Later I may also cut 5" squares and 2 1/2" strips. 

2 1/2" strips can also make for a quick and easy quilt. Jenny Doan did a tutorial on making them.

Have you ever made the checkerboard quilt using your scraps?


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

My word


Can you believe that a year has blown by. Where did 2022 go? It seems to have come and gone in an instant.  And what a year it was. As I reflect on everything that has happened over the last year I try to pinpoint lessons that I have learned. 

For the last few years I have chosen a word to live by. This year I had decided I didn't have a word to use, so I wasn't planning on having one.

After having lunch with my daughter one day a word came to me. 


And that word resounded with me. You see I have not always been kind, and that day with my daughter, taught me the significance of being kind. In all situations. 

So I am using KINDNESS for my word this year. And pray that I will be able to abide by.

"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of KINDNESS is on her tongue."
Proverbs 31:26

Monday, January 2, 2023

Another New Year unfolds


As we embark on yet another New Year, there are uncertainties that lie ahead. The Lord does not send out a calendar of events that will happen in life. We are more likely to be taken by surprise as the story unfolds. God, in His great goodness, knew that we could not handle knowing what each day would bring. So we step out in faith, facing each day as a new adventure. However, our loving Father is not ignorant of each step. Even when we cannot feel His presence, He is with us.

 "And the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you, He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.  Deuteronomy 31:8

Sunday, January 1, 2023