Can you believe that a year has blown by. Where did 2022 go? It seems to have come and gone in an instant. And what a year it was. As I reflect on everything that has happened over the last year I try to pinpoint lessons that I have learned.
For the last few years I have chosen a word to live by. This year I had decided I didn't have a word to use, so I wasn't planning on having one.
After having lunch with my daughter one day a word came to me.
And that word resounded with me. You see I have not always been kind, and that day with my daughter, taught me the significance of being kind. In all situations.
So I am using KINDNESS for my word this year. And pray that I will be able to abide by.
"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of KINDNESS is on her tongue."
Proverbs 31:26
Lasat evening, I was bringing a container of soup to a friend, but got stuck in the alley, whih was full of eternal snow. Oh dear, now what - I'm all by myself. I opened the car door to check on the snow pile and turned around, and there was a man, and his son with a snow shovell ready to get me unstuck. talk about angels and kindness! I didn't even have time to worry nor fret - they were there! A kindness ... so today I baked and delivered a batch of cookies. 8-)))) Unexpected blessings and kindnesses are the best.