
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Binding my time

 Sewing binding by machine has been a real time saver for the Nursing Home quilts. 

I have five quilts quilted and bound ready for the residents. 

A friend gave me some really pretty patriotic fabric, so I made a quick quilt with it.

Even had enough fabric to use for backing. 

                                      Sew and Tell

                                      Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?

                                      Finished or not Friday

                                      Peacock Party


  1. Happy Tuesday, Jocelyn. It sounds like you have been staying very busy . Such a blessing that you have made these quilts for those in the nursing home. They will bring much comfort.

  2. One of the reasons I really like faux piping binding is because it is all stitched by machine. Much faster than hand stitching the binding. Glad you are getting sew much done.

  3. What a great mission for you to do. No doubt, blessed from above and made with love.
