As summer embarks on the beginning of school break, Nikki Werner finds herself in deep disappointment when she learns of her fathers recent marriage to a woman no one knows. On top of that she finds herself at a crossroad with her long time boyfriend, Isaac. She needs to be rescued. So she starts driving, not really knowing where she will go. She ends up at her family's farm, and decides to stay with her Uncle Wes for a while. With school out for the summer, she starts helping her uncle clean out and remodel the old farmhouse. She finds herself reconnecting with the past as she unearths treasures among the many boxes that have been stored over the years. When she finds an old notebook, filled with her grandmothers German recipes and sage advice, she finds healing of her wounds as she invites people over to taste the many recipes she tries. Her Aunt Emma helps Nikki find her way through her unforgiveness and deep hurts. Uncle Wes, a long time bachelor, is a patient loving person in Nikki's life. With his help, she discovers hope. And the forgiveness through the proverbs and wisdom spread throughout the recipe book.
This is a heartfelt story surrounded by faith, brokenness, family and most of all forgiveness. A clean Christian read that is beautifully written and faith filled.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are my honest opinion.
I'm going to get this book. I did read The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip on your recommendation and enjoyed it. Thank you.