
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What is going on?


Recently blogger may have changed something with their setting AGAIN. I am no longer able to comment on your blogs. It says I am anonymous or asks me to sign in on Google. Well I am always signed in on Google and I never had a problem leaving comments in the past. Does anyone know what has changed?

I have looked at my settings and I do not see any way to change the anonymous setting. Or to maintain Google! I am also wondering if anybody else has had this problem? Are you having problems commenting on my blog? Please help if you are able. It is so frustrating not being able to comment on the blogs.


  1. No problems leaving a comment on your blog.

  2. Doing a test comment! It seems to be ok for me.

  3. I’ve had that problem for some time when I’m trying to comment from a device, like an iPad or an iPhone. It has to do with the way the blogger has their comments set up. If it opens a window, like yours does, I can comment with my identification. If not, then it shows me as anonymous.

  4. Testing here from western Nebraska. Hope you can figure it out - we don't need to fiddle with more changes! Grrrr, form this old person!

  5. I am leaving a comment at this moment, so I will see if it works.It is definitely so frustrating when the powers that be make these changes and we can't figure them out. I once had a problem with this blogger and emailed them and they were able to help me so maybe try that.

  6. When I have had a problem with this blogger in the past, I have emailed them and they have been able to help me. I will try to post this comment now and see what happens.

  7. I have had this issue before, but I'm able to fix it to go to the very tippy top right corner when the blog post is up that you're looking at. At this top right corner, it says to "sign in" or "sign out". Today, it has "sign out", so I know I'm ready to comment as me, rather than "anonymous". Hope this helps.

  8. I'm testing this on my android phone and having no problem! My previous comment applies to seeing that log in corner when on my laptop. It does not show up on my phone.

  9. I've had this problem on several blogs. They don't recognize my login for some reason. So annoying. I'm on my computer.

  10. Your blog is fine but there are a lot of other blogs that I am having the same issue with. I even had my daughter and grandson look at my computer and they said it's with the blog rather than with me. I'm hoping that the problem will be solved once gmail (google) has made their sign-in different.
