
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Score! Let's celebrate

Ten years ago I started blogging. I had been reading the Pioneer Woman for a while, and decided that I'd give blogging a go. Just as a journal of my quilting adventures. Low and behold, it has now been ten years! SO, I've been thinking a score! celebration is in order.

On February 19,2009 I started blogging, and wrote my first blog post the next day, not even knowing if anyone would read it. Three days later, by my third post, I had comments! One of the first commenters was Nicole of Sister's Choice Quilts. I've been following Nicole's blog ever since.

Looking backwards, there have been posts about quilting, DIY, the move to our new home, and many other areas that have been a part of my life.

And YOU dear reader have been a big part of my blogging life. SO thank you for coming along side and being a part of this journey.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Congratulations! This is my 9th year. I kind of started like you...I wanted to participate in Design Wall Monday.

  2. Congratulations! I admire anyone who has started a blog and kept it going. I love "checking in" to see what you have posted.

    Sandy A

  3. YOU were the encouragement that started me blogging!

  4. Congratulations to you Jocelyn! It takes perseverance to stick with something for ten years. The giveaway sounds like a fun idea. I wish you many more happy years of blogging.

  5. Congratulations on 10 years! Looking forward to seeing your posts.

  6. Congratulations on your 10th BlogAversary. You have an amazing blog packed with #CreativeGoodness and a super kind heart. As always, I'm looking forward to following you in 2019 and beyond.

  7. Congratulations on 10 years! I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming in 2019!

  8. Congratulations!!!!!!! You know, I think this is my tenth year as well! My goodness how time flies. I had been reading Pioneer Woman as well - remember she used to give prizes out of her junk drawer, lol? How far she's come. The one that got me blogging though, was Alicia Paulson from Posie Gets Cozy...golly her blog was so beautiful. I haven't been there in a very long time!

  9. Congratulations on 10 years! It's a major accomplishment. Happy New Year!

  10. I started blogging in August 2009. Isn't it amazing how fast the time goes!

  11. Congratulations on ten years of blogging! I look forward to your giveaways! :0)

  12. I love stopping by all the time even when there is no give-aways…. and "Congrats" on your upcoming 10th blogging anniversary. I always enjoy reading whats happening here...;)))

  13. Congratulations! I have no idea how long I've been blogging but it's been 8-10 years too. I'm just getting back into quilting...still a beginner. I have so many interests I have vowed this new year to make room and time for all of them....wish me luck! LOL! Happy New Year too.

  14. Congratulations on the decade of sharing your life, quilting, DIY and otherwise, with us! You are much better at posting then I am! I'm looking forward to another year of your journey.

  15. Good for you!! I am pretty sure I have been following you for most of that time!!

  16. Wow! Ten years has flown by. ..I am glad you are still blogging! I enjoy reading you :)

  17. Congrats on 10 years of blogging. I'll be at 8 years in another week. What a fun way to get inspiration and keep up with our online friends.
