
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Were you a little bit busy this month?? December seems to always come too fast and Christmas runs ahead of my schedule. So even though I was busy at my sewing machine, these little Tuffets were kind of last on the list.

I managed to get these three little beauties finished, as two were for gifts.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The final countdown

Have you been following Prairie Moon Quilts The Final Countdown this week? Shelly is giving 5 tasks to complete to end the year. If you complete each task, you are eligible for a prize on January 4th. The first day was finishing binding on a quilt, the second day was put away scraps, and today the task is to straighten out magazines or quilt books.

So I did task #1, and task #2 and today I straightened out some magazines that were in a pile next to my computer desk. Straightened and put away :-) Yea!

And here is a picture of my sweet daughter with her birthday quilt (with binding completed ;-)

Hope you are making the most of the last days of 2009! Happy Quilting :-D

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bound for glory

Do you enjoy doing the binding on your quilts?? That is one job that I really do not enjoy. It seems to take so long to cut the binding, press, sew it onto the quilt, and then sew it down.

When we were doing a lot of charity quilts, I found that bringing the backing fabric over to the front side of the quilt worked really great and cut down on the time invested in making the quilt. Now I don't want to re-invent the wheel, but I thought I would just show you how I do it.

Continue reading...............

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Twas the day after Christmas

and what do we see, underneath the big Christmas tree........

I hope that you all had a very wonderful Christmas day. It seems like it was a mad rush to get there, but now that Christmas is over, new adventures are on the horizon.

Did you get any quilty love this Christmas?? My sweet daughter gave me some very wonderful charm packs. I was so surprised!

Aren't they great! woo-hoo, can't wait to use them :-) Maybe a Schnibbles in the works.

And the biggest surprise of all was this present from all of my children -

Needless to say, I was speechless. I've used a very old (and faithful) digital Sony for years, but just like some of us, it is getting slower and slower. Guess some of those aches and pains will eventually catch up with ole Sony.

woo-hoo! I will finally be moving up into the 21st century. Any help and feedback on how to use this would be greatly appreciated.

So now that you have read my little Christmas tale, you've hung on every word, right?? Okay, okay........ I finally closed the giveaway, and picked TWO winners! Yeah! I hear the cheering section.

SO the first winner, who has first pick of the prizes is -

Mary St. John Nielsen
Mary has a new blog "Keep Me in Quilts". Mary you need to catch up on your blogging. We'd like to get to know you :-)

Mary, please let me know which prize you would like for me to send to you.

Meme's Quilts "All Thru the Year" pattern, four tea towels, fabric to make the Rooster towel.


Becky's Ivy Cottage "Tea Time Tea Towels" pattern, three tea towels, fabric to make the Strawberry cottage teapot and the Rooster teapot, plus several buttons for some of the other tea towels.

And the second winner is -

Bonnie of "That's Life"

So ladies, if you will send me your addresses, I will get these little packages out in the mail.

I was pretty overwhelmed with the response to my little giveaway! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading everyone's comments. I love to read your comments. It's like visiting with a friend, but many of you are from around the world. Thank you for taking the time to visit my little blog. I hope that those of you who are new will come back to visit often.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas

May the celebration of our Savior's birth inspire us all to rejoice and to serve Him with humble hearts. May we always remember the "reason for the season". That our Heavenly Father loved us so much that He gave His beloved Son to this fallen world, to die for our sins so that we may live forever with Him. It's a gift that cannot be earned or worked for. It's free to all men.

May your hearts be filled with love and joy this Christmas season.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Memories

Wow the past 4 days have really been a challenge. As many of you know, we live in Florida, so my dear hubby was thinking this would be a good time to do this, as it's normally very nice weather in December. However, the weather decided to turn cold this weekend, so we started off Monday morning with 48 degrees. The workers thought they could get everything removed, and installed in one day. But that was not to be. So we ended up having to move to my in laws house to spend the night. Today the inspector finally came, and we are up and running with heat and/or AC whichever is needed. I'm so happy that it's all done, and now I have to get my house back in order so we can enjoy our Christmas.

Even though I was not able to do any blogging, I tried to keep up with some of my blog reading. I came across Charming Chatter's Christmas Memories Giveaway. We are to "shop" her store and tell what we'd like for Christmas and then post a Christmas memory. Well her shop is filled with all kinds of wonderful stuff, so it's hard to shop and be good ;-) However I think the Blessing Fat Quarter bundle would be an ideal addition to my fabric stash. What a beautiful line of fabric.

As far as a Christmas memory goes, I think the Christmas that stands out in my mind was the year I was expecting our first baby. I was given a due date of December 28th, so we knew that anything could happen. On Christmas Eve I felt that I was starting to go into labor. Contractions were not consistent at that point, but they were happening. We were thinking that we might get a Christmas baby. But Christmas eve came and went. Christmas Day came and went. All the while I was still having contractions. On the day after Christmas my Doctor wanted me to come into the hospital. I was making very slow progress and things were happening. At 6:45 AM on December 27th our beautiful dark haired, blue eyed baby girl greeted us with a wail. She was the most precious baby that I had ever laid eyes on, and of course she wrapped my hubby around her little finger the moment she was born.

Stop by and take a peek at Charming Chatter's giveaway. She is giving away the "Stella Blue" pattern and fabric by Minick & Simpson from Moda! woo-hoo! Wouldn't you enjoy that great Christmas present?

And remember to sign up for my giveaway. I'm so excited to see all the comments that are being left. And what if I sweeten the pot just a little more? If I get at least 100 comments, I will add a second prize and pick TWO winners! More tea towels and a different pattern.

The first person drawn will have first pick. Same rules apply. Be sure to go here to leave a comment to be entered. If you are a follower, leave me a second comment and I will add you in a second time.

Ready for not - Christmas is coming!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The weather outside is -

------- COLD!

Okay, so I am not a cold hearty person. But this is what is going on in my house today......

Yes they are tearing out all the duct work and replacing all the duct and a new AC/Heat unit is going in. But today it is in the low 40's. Yes, wimp, wimp, wimp. You guys up there in the minus temps, I am a wimp. We turned the heat up before the workers came, and actually got the house pretty warm. But they have been going in and out and there is no heat left in the house right now. So our house is as cold inside as it is outside.

What do you think about having your house look like this four days before Christmas?


And they will be working in every room replacing the vents. There is dust and fiber everywhere :-(

SO being that I can't do much of anything, I thought I would have a quick little giveaway. Here are the goods -

How about Meme's Quilts All Thru the Year Applique Towel Pattern

and four towels to get you started

and just to sweeten the giveaway, I'll include a little bit of fabric so you can start the New Year right. You should be able to start with the Rooster applique.

No hoops to jump through. Just leave me a comment (be sure I have a way to contact you), and I will pick a winner the day after Christmas. If you are a follower, leave me a second comment and I will add you in a second time.

Maybe this will give you a fun and easy little project to start the New Year off right :-)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow

Every post that I am reading today is all about snow! My goodness a lot of you will be having a White Christmas this year.

So to help you with some fun blog hopping, check these out! My sweet friend Micki all the way over in Ireland is having a wonderful giveaway. I told her I would send over my followers. So please take a really quick trip over to Donegal County and sign up for her giveaway.

And did you know that Shelly from Prairie Moon Quilts is having a Twelve Days of Christmas giveaway too? If you have missed the first part of the giveaway, you still have time to sign up. Just go back to when she started, and leave a comment.

And lastly, Fabric Artist 21 is adding something new everyday to her giveaway! So hurry on over and leave a comment.

Okay, I am not really one who likes the snow, but it is such a lovely time of year to have giveaways. So here is my advice to you -

Friday, December 18, 2009

Opinion please

Ok-ey! I've been computerless today. My wonderful (18 yo) son built me a new computer (early Christmas, yea!) because our old one had ISSUES!!! And let me tell you, if the computer people tell you it is your internet, and the internet people tell you it's the computer, I'd believe the internet people. After all, my son and daughter both have used our internet provider and they never had any ISSUES with their computer. Not naming any names here, but just sayin'!

We also have workers coming in on Monday to tear out our duct work and replace the whole AC system. Okay, happy Christmas ;-) But it is the right time of year to do this kind of work, and it's been needed for a while.

I took a few pictures of my handmade ornaments, although I did not make them, I just think they are very cute.

I found three of these CUTE little bears at the thrift store last summer. They have been sitting in my sewing area waiting for Christmas.

I can't remember who gave me this yo-yo ornament, but it's a simple little project that could be added as a gift tag.

I have to thank all of you for your really sweet comments on my Christmas quilts. I have always said that I am a "piecemaker" and the quilting part always falls behind. So with that, I'd like to ask your advise about a wall hanging.

I've been working on this wall hanging and can't really decide on how to finish it. Here is the base of it.

The pattern calls for key tags that you find in an office supply store. I was thinking of putting yo-yo's or buttons.

What do you think?? It really looks cute with the key tags, as they had written Merry down one side and Christmas on the other. But I'd like to get a second opinion. That's you :-)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Moments of inspiration

Sometimes I find the Ladies room in Quilt shops and Tea rooms to be so fascinating. They often times offer some inspiration.

Tea rooms lean towards a slightly elegant flavor in their Ladies room They will have cloth towels and lovely art work on the walls.

Very ornate wash bowls

Quilt shops tend to be a little more laid back in their decor. But they do sometimes have some very cute

or interesting projects on display.

So as a good rule of thumb, it might be profitable to keep a camera in your purse. You just never know when you might be faced with an inspirational opportunity :-)

Have a happy quilty day!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

They say..........

..... that confession is good for the soul.

I showed you my Christmas UFO in yesterday's post. Well, truth be known, there is another one that I have not quilted. Well maybe two??

One of my quilting buddies (Hi Becky!) gave me these Christmas Alphabet blocks several years ago.

We made these quilt tops and even made an embroidered label in the bottom left corner. I never got around to quilting this one.

And this one was a kit that I bought at the Amish Shop Hop.

I made it with my BFF.

So I guess I will have plenty to do before next Christmas. Hopefully no one will remember when I show them again next time ;-)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas, at last

We have finally started putting up the Christmas decorations. It seems that we were all going in different directions this year, and there was never enough time to decorate for the season.

Tree up, lights on, ornaments hung!

Village completed (at least with what we could find. There's still another box missing)

My little collection of clay snowmen.

I couldn't wait to put this cute little doll out that I won last August from Barb's Creations.
And my Christmas quilt that is still not quilted. I love this quilt and thought about maybe (MAYBE) hand quilting it.

hummm..... maybe by next year??

Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's never a convenient time, BUT.......

Well I have not blogged much in the last couple of days because of this............

Yes you are seeing right. It is a refrigerator. And it decided to die :-( So the usual quandry of what to buy, what to do with the food that was IN the refrigerator, etc, etc..... you get the picture. New one arrived yesterday.........late! We've been eating out for the last few nights, and of course there was grocery shopping to do. And you do remember that it is Christmas time, right?? I know it is never a convenient time to lose an appliance, but at Christmas time!!!

One nice thing that happened today. I stopped by our local Hospice thrift store on the way to the grocery store and found a box of quilt magazines.

10 copies for $1.00! Can't beat that deal.

So not much quilting or sewing going on for the last few days. But hopefully things will be back on track next week.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

When the mailman comes to the door.....

Yesterday when the door bell rang, I knew it had to be the mailman. And I was not disappointed in his visit. He brought a most wonderful package to my door.

Cathy from Quilting on Turtle Hill drew my name for her giveaway prize, and OH MY what a great prize it was too.

2008 Fatquarter Shop's Christmas Block of the Month with fabric by 3 Sister's "Peace on Earth" for Moda fabric.

30 fatquarters of Moda's Figtree "Allspice Tapestry" with a little extra yardage

and a coin quilt top with Moda's "Recipe for Friendship" fabric!

Not to mention these VERY cute Christmas magnets and darling flower pin.

Needless to say, I was totally blown away at the generosity of Cathy's beautiful prize!

I know the mailman is pretty busy this time of year, but I was so very happy that he delivered this incredible package to me. Thank you Cathy! I love it!

Have a wonderful quilty day!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Simple idea

While I was visiting my BFF last month, I was a guest in her basement apartment. She has it decorated so beautifully. One of the things that stood out to me was how she uses her quilts around her home.

This old Singer stand at one time had a top on it.

But my BFF took off the top and had her Dad make rods to fit across the frame. She now uses it as a quilt rack.

A simple idea made into a lovely display area :-)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Tablerunner

Okay, I did it! Pressed it, backed it, quilted it, and did the binding. It's done and ready for the table.

I used a large button for the bell. The jury is still out on that one, but for now, it stays.

And while we are speaking of tablerunners, this one is coming along as well.

Can anyone offer a suggestion about a backing? This was a kit, so there is no more red fabric (my first choice) and I really don't care for the fabric that was in the kit (although I could use it for another project). This fabric was so stretchy and the HST were not playing nice.

Also pop over to Abbey Lane Quilts blog. They have three delightful tablerunners up on their blog. Easy peasy patterns. Oh and they are having a giveaway too :-)

I am linking up with SewCalGal's Virtual Christmas Quilt Show! Stop by and see all the lovely Christmas quilts on display.

I am also joining Amy today for Sew and Tell :-)

Have a great quilty day ;-)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hey, who left the door open!

Burrrrr.............. did you know it's not supposed to be cold in Florida? At least not in Central Florida! Some areas of northern Florida can get pretty cold. But it seems like someone left the backdoor open, cause it's been cold and wet here for two days!

So what do you do when it is cold and wet? You clean and rearrange, and work in closets. uggg! But I did find a Christmas project that I started last year and need to finish.

Maybe I can get this finished in time to put on the table for Christmas. Ya think??

Have a great weekend :-)

Friday, December 4, 2009

I KNOW better

Have you ever been working on a project and know it's just not going to fit together?? Last month when I was visiting my BFF we traveled all around Holmes County for the Amish Shop Hop. I found this table runner kit that I fell in love with. So my BFF and I decided that we would make them.

I used her little Jem machine to do the piecing, but when I went to put the tablerunner together, well it was all catywampus :-( So in re-evaluating the whole project, I realized that her machine did not have a true 1/4" foot. So even though her tablerunner turned out beautifully, mine was in need of unsewing.

This is what I brought home.

It was a discouraging sight. I had sewn the whole tablerunner together before I realized it was just not going to work. I thought about trimming it, but I was just not happy with that solution. So I got out the old seam ripper, and started taking it apart.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tis the Season of Giving

Have you seen these darling girls?? "Where Women Create" is having 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! Each day starting December 1 to December 12 there will be a different giveaway. You need to go here to find out all about it and sign up each day!!

And today also starts SewMamaSew Giveaway Day. Giveaway Day kicks off a Season of Giving There are so many lovely blogs to visit. These giveaways stay open through Sunday, December 6.

So lets have fun and start visiting. I love to see what other people create. Quilters from all over the world have been so generous. This is a great opportunity to get to know so many of them. Their talent and creativity always inspire me.

Happy quilting!