Wow I just loved hearing how each of you started on your fabulous quilting journey. It makes my heart sing to know that every one of you has a special story.
And how fun is it to find new and exciting places to shop? Do you have a favorite quilt store that makes your credit card jump out of your wallet??
When you walk into your favorite shop, do you just want to stand there and breathe in all the loveliness??
Do you map out places on vacation trips, just to be sure that you will pass a quilt shop along the way?

What draws you to visit a quilt shop? The newest fabrics?
Friendliness of the staff?
Inspiration from their samples?

And tell me, please tell me, where is the furthest quilt shop you have ever visited? A different state? Country???

We want to hear about the BEST quilt shops you have ever visited! After all, we may be in your neck of the woods one day :-)
Happy Quilting!