Hope you are having a wonderful day!
VRD Brickwork Quilt Tutorial
22 hours ago
Today's Promise: I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. |
I wish I could do binding nicely by machine...but mine doesn't look so good that way, so I still do it by hand.
Stitching down binding by hand is one of my least favorite things to do, too. It's a good hand work project while watching TV. I bet you are like me...gotta have something to keep my hands busy while watching TV. I'm about to fire up my LongArm and get busy on a Stack quilts for Others. It's finally warming up and I've been off since Thanksgiving. I see you machine quilt with a Walking Foot...I actually sew on binding with one, too. Enjoyed the quilt talk with ya....Sue
I think we have the same machine, but I can never get my binding on the machine done correctly. Still the old fashion hand sewing in front of the TV. So glad your day was filled with enjoyable sewing.
I AVOID handsewing like the plague.
I love quilts, but never made one. I understand noting is really easy about it. My family used to have quilting bees and really hand stitched some lovely quilts.
I am glad you had a good day. I like to do binding. Backing, ugh!
LOL I used to say I was allergic to hand sewing, but don't mind it near as much anymore. ;-) Glad you had a fun day! :-)
Oh my gosh...my favorite part is the hand stitching on the binding during tv time.
Isn't it all funny how we quilters all have our least favorite part of quilting. Mine too is handstitching the binding...even in front of a good TV show
Call me crazy but I just love the binding!! Now cutting out that's another story!
Oh that's funny - hand-stitching down the binding is my favorite part!
A day sewing is a very good day. Looks like you certainly had fun!
Bindings are the best part....it means you are done with a project :0)
I love the hand quilting. I like looking at the almost finished project as I hand sew and feel the love that went into it.
It's the most relaxing time, just sitting there with the task at hand...peaceful.
I love the hand part of binding a quilt! Isn't it funny how so many people like so many different 'favorites'? I think it's why quilting is so spectacular! :)
I like the handstitching cause I get to snuggle under the quilt while I do it, but it is time consuming and does get boring after awhile. Mine doesn't turn out great by machine though.
I don't mind binding by hand.... it's the basting and layering of the quilt that I don't like... :)
I went to my local Bernina Club meeting last night. They were showing how to do the binding using the #10 foot - quite amazing... I was told that Ricky Timms does his using the #10 foot.
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