The very first time I ever went to a National Quilt show I saw a small quilt made up to hold Commemorative pins.

I thought it was such a cool idea to have a quilt to display pins from various quilt shows.

After we moved a few years ago, I found several pins that were attached to the name badge holders from various quilt shows I had attended.
One of my quilting buddies gave me these cute little quilt sayings and thought they would make a great little quilt.
And so here they are. On display. The start of my collection :-)

I don't know if I will ever fill it up, but at least they have a nice place to light!
What a cute idea, since I only have one pin at this time I'll wait to see if this will work for me, but I sure like yours.
what a good idea unfortunately I have never seen pins like this here maybe one day they will reach the UK shows
What a lovely idea!!! I don't have any pins....:(
I put my pins on my name badge for my larger quilt guild.
I don't have any quilting pins, but have a number of pins/buttons from our State Fair. I made a wall hanging quilt to display them on, and the block I used was called State Fair! It looks like a bit like a sunflower.
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