Saturday, June 6, 2020

What to do?

We have been sheltering at home. And it's getting to where we are starving for fellowship and conversation. Our church started back last week, but meeting outside in 95 degree weather (we live in Florida) is a bit of a challenge.

So hubby suggested that we have some people over. We have a very nice enclosed patio, where we can do social distancing and eat at the same time. But then the question was, who to invite. First he suggested family. Then some people from church. Hubby loves to cook, so I wasn't surprised when he asked about working something out.

What have you been doing to retain community? Any suggestions about reuniting with friends and family?

I found this little quip on the blog and just had to share. It seems appropriate.


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

My little quilt guild has met in a parking lot twice now. I've also met up with friends for lunch, again in parking lots. Of course, we have had cooler weather than you. Now that it's getting hot, we'll have to find some shade. We are meeting up in someone's yard with my Sunday school class tomorrow (82 degrees) for a BBQ and also for a birthday on Monday (90's that day).

ShirleyC said...

We're mostly staying at home, but after about 5 weeks into this, we started visiting with the kids and grands outside. Our youngest great grand had totally forgotten us! She's now getting used to us again.
We've had low cases here (small town). We did go to church last Sunday, and we'll probably go tomorrow. We're in Phase 2 so more people can go now. I don't want to be squashed up with people in a pew which is what it almost was last week since they had to rope off most of the pews. Really makes no sense. Just leave them open so we can spread apart.
I had really wanted us to go somewhere this summer for a couple of days, but it's too risky now with all of the protests and possible riots. Not for me!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Kudos on your charity quilts, btw.
Love that quote. I think I have gained about 5 pounds.

straythreads said...

So funny we had people over for cocktails and gelato the other evening jay for fun