We are coming to the end of 2010. For me it has been a year of adventure and detours. For years we talked about building a home on lakefront property that we own. And for years, there has always been a reason not to. So we started looking at already built houses. We looked for almost a year before we found the one that became "our" home.
Now let me say that we did not really expect to find this house. My hubby decided to have a new roof put on our old house, and we replaced the AC unit last December. New appliances replacing the aging ones and a floor remodel in our laundry room when the washer decided to spring a healthy leak.

When we walked into the new house for the first time, we all fell in love. BUT being the family accountant, I knew we couldn't buy it. I did not set me heart on it. However, it just kept coming back. The owners had put this house on the market a year ago with no offers. Took it off the market and then decided to try again. Here is where we entered in. When we made our first offer it was WAY lower then their list price. They countered, but it was still too high. So we countered again. Their realtor basically said, if you can't meet our price, don't bother to come back. Death of a vision.
Not having set my heart on this house made it easier to let it go. But it was still lingering in the back of my mind. We compared it with any other house we looked at. After a month went by, my hubby called our realtor and asked him what could we do about the house? Wise realtor that he was he said, make another offer! So we did. And they took it!!!!
So amid packing and moving, there was not much creating going on. After being in the new house for a month, I had another little detour. A fall resulting in a compression fracture of my spine.
So now what seems like months and months, I am finally getting back into the full swing of life.
And yet there were some things accomplished!


Sunday Best


Table runner


Cubed Lattice

Anita's Arrowhead
SMS giveaway

Not to mention the fun Mug Rugs!

And more to come in 2011.
Have a happy quilting day!