Saturday, March 13, 2010

I couldn't help myself

Sorry..... But this -

precipitated a stop here -

to purchase some of these -

We had a little bit of rain yesterday, so the timing was good to plant a few little flowers.

Hope your weekend is warm :-)


deb said...

I hope your weekend is nice and warm, love the flowers!

Allie said...

I'm incredibly jealous of your temps! The flowers are lovely!

Pokey said...

Yea, I love the first purchases of garden annuals, oh, perennials, too! You shared a smile with me today!

Maggey and Jim said...

I will be glad when it comes time to plant. lOve the flowers..

Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful! You are already planting :)



Kelly Ann said...

you big tease...

Val said...

Oh I am in the mood too!

Heather said...

almost all of our snow has melted. yippee!!! Though I do expect a few more snow falls before I can really count on it being gone. I won't be buying plants till mid May.

SueWis said...

Ohhh, that stuff would freeze here. You're so lucky!

Crispy said...

Boo Hoo, I'm having "digging in dirt" envy LOL.


Cindy said...

Now this is what I call an inspirational post. Love it.........

Midlife Mom said...

We don't even have any flowers in the stores yet! Of course we can't plant them as the ground is still frozen so I guess it doesn't matter. Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and plant some of those beauties! At least we don't have any snow left, haven't had any for two months!!!! Go figure!

Loralynn said...

Isn't it wonderful? Spring is finally on it's way!!!

Shirley said...

So pretty. I can't wait til May so I can plant some too. I need a new azalea and I think I could plant that now. They're blooming here.

Sewn With Grace said...

I am a bit envious but very happy for you. Wow, 78 degrees. I think we hit a whomping 35 here. Why do I live in Michigan?

Carrie P. said...

So tempting to do that here but I know that we will get some freezing weather still.

Amy Friend said...

Ugh, you are so far ahead of us! Thanks for making me jealous. Now, I am not jealous of the cold though...I hope you get over it quickly!