Date: 14 July
Bastille Day, the French national holiday, commemorates the storming of the Bastille, which took place on 14 July 1789 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of Louis the 16th's Ancient Regime. By capturing this symbol, the people signaled that the king's power was no longer absolute: power should be based on the Nation and be limited by a separation of powers.
Bastille Day was declared the French national holiday on 6 July 1880, on Benjamin Raspail's recommendation, when the new Republic was firmly entrenched. Bastille Day has such a strong signification for the French because the holiday symbolizes the birth of the Republic. As in the US, where the signing of the Declaration of Independence signaled the start of the American Revolution, in France the storming of the Bastille began the Great Revolution. In both countries, the national holiday thus symbolizes the beginning of a new form of government.
Although we really appreciate all the fireworks, we are having a quieter celebration today :-)
Ahh....so very romantic. Have a wonderful celebration....and I hope you still see fireworks in each other's eyes.
Nice wedding picture, happy anniversary.
Happy Anniversary, Jocelyn!
Well Happy Anniversary! I didn't know anything about Bastille Day. Love SewCalGal's comment, I second the notion!
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Wishing you many many more years of happiness!
I simply LOVE seeing wedding pictures! I ahve a weakness for them. I love seeing the sweet, happy faces.
Have a wonderful celebration!
Happy Anniversary - this is quite the month for you!!
Thanks for the history lesson. How interesting! What a beautiful wedding picture. Happy anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!! Lovely wedding photo!! It's so fun to go back and look at old photo's.
Happy Anniversary, how nice of them to arrange all those fireworks for you :)
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, thanks for sharing the vintage photo. Hey we are "vintage", too!
Enjoy yourselves!
Happy Anniversary! Everyone always looks at me funny when I say, Happy Bastille Day! LOL! :)
How fun is that when the world celebrates just for you :-) Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Such a cute couple!
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