I feel a little bit bad that I don't have any quilting posts to share. With all that is going on with the new house, there is no time for crafting, sewing, or any kind of quilting. My mind has been filled with the thousands of shades of beige for the walls, and the hundreds of carpet samples. Of course you know I am exaggerating, just a little, but it has been amazing to look at paint chips in every shade combination there could possibly be.
We are in a whirlwind right now, and as the painting is getting done, and the carpets are being picked out, this is the blank palette that we are working with.

I am hoping to show you some of the transformation as we work on it in a few weeks.
Oh and I don't think I showed you my laundry room.

We are working on warming up this house. If you have any questions or suggestions, I am here to listen and share :-)
Hope you are having a great week!
Wow, Jocelyn - that laundry room is to die for. So much space!!! You just need to hang all your quilts on all the walls - your house will be the coziest on the block!
Beautiful, how to fill all that space? You'll manage, huh? It is lovely.
Just a few thoughts on how I painted my interior. Due to the golden oak floor and molding, I went with Valspar December Starlight. It's a soft white. However, I brought home 10 sample cans and painted them on a small section of wall before deciding which color worked.
For my bedroom (which I painted 4 times as the light kept changing), I finally went to Wal-Mart and bought a gallon of Country White. Not the regular white as that has too much pink in it. Then I went to Sherwin Williams and got a quart of a solid yellow. I poured the white into a 2-gallon bucket and added enough yellow until I got the shade I desired. It was the only way I could get the right shade.
The best advice I got though was to take one room at a time. Trying to decide all at once is mind boggling. And you have all of that beautiful white molding to work with.
Love your house. Truly!
Oooh! That's sooooo nice! I feel terra cottas, olive, gold, burnt red, chocolate and maybe a little blue?!
I think it's going to be beautiful :)
Oh Jocelyn, you are going to have so much fun decorating your new home! I looks so BIG with all the furniture out. And I am green with envy over that laundry room... and your washer/dryer, too! :o) Can't wait to see what the transformations!
Wow, what an amazing adventure you have ahead of you. Although I'm sure all those color choices are rather daunting. Are you carpeting all those tiles?
I could set up my sewing room in your laundry room and be very happy. Beautiful.
Lovely canvas just waiting for colors and items galore!
I've gone through somethin similar and I was afraid to sew or even get anything out because of the dust and stuff in and around. I didn't want to have my stash messed up.
Warm quilts on wall that Ivory Spring suggested is a great idea. Also, and I can't remember the name....and having new doors and windows you probably won't have the leakage like older ones... but those sock thingies you push up against bottom of doors and windows can sure be sewn up in cute and colorful ways.Ha! Just gave you another task to do!
I love all that space, all you need is sunshine. Don't fill it up too much eh?
I have sure enjoyed your post about your house...it is just lovely...and will be even more so when you add your personality to it.
A blank palatte is the best kind! I'm jealous of your laundry room.
My advice? Don't be afraid to go bold! You can paint all beige or you can go a little wild and try ... say, green! Avacado green! Worst that happens is you hate it and have to paint over it :) and who knows, you might just fall in love!
How wonderful to start with a blank, fresh palette. Just think about what is to go where and then decide upon colors from there. It'll never be this easy again because once the furniture and everything else gets moved in, then it becomes a more difficult task.
I'm excited for you and look forward to following along as you make your new house your home.
Wow I want your laundry room AND your washer and dryer :0) No suggestions here, I have no flair for decorating LOL.
I hope you will show us the after pictures as you get each room decorated.
I look forward to seeing what you choose and love for your new home. The laundry room is truly one we would all love. I think if you go with warmth in color than change out those gold door knobs and light fixtures. To me they are dated....but this is only from house hunting myself and seeing new builds.
Hi Jocelyn...
Wow ...what a wonderful blank palette that you have to work with...my fingers are just itching to get at your walls and paint paint paint!
Personally, I think that's the best way to warm up your home. I have a warm yellow (cornsilk...martha stewart) throughout the main living area upstairs which includes my entry, livingroom, kitchen, staircase and
hallway. I think all colors look great on it from pastels to bright red...its a very warm and cozy soothing color.
In my family room is apple green...master bedroom...the color of the ocean (or robin egg blue)...all bedrooms and baths are different colors but are all very cottage colors so they all work together nicely.
My advice is to do one room at a time and decide how you want to feel in that room when choosing color because color really does effect your emotions...
sorry about the long comment...i hopoe this helps you somewhat instead of making your choices more confusing!
Please do show photos as you go along. What a lovely home and how fun to decorate!
Empty slate is best way to go! With cream and beige paint best thing to do is paint some on walls to see how it changes with the lighting.. sun, lamps, etc. Some can go rather pink. That is fine if you like the lush tones..;-)
Paint chips cannot do that for you they are not always true to mixed color from aging. Most places sell the small TRY ME bits now. Yes it is just paint and you can re paint but hey painting is a lot of work!
Love the big laundry room too!!
Have fun! I love reading about your new home!
I love your new home! You'll have a lot of fun making it just right for your family. I love Wainscot on walls.Either stained or painted to accent the wall color. Just an idea to through into the mix.
Oh Jocelyn: about 5 years ago we moved into our first brand new home after years of resales. we wanted a bungalow. I lived with off white for 4 of those years, being minimilistic it was fine. The last winter my sweetie said he couldn't live with it one more week....we went with yello and I love it! I love the way the sunlight changes all the colour in the rooms.
I love the way we have followed the progress...it's no wonder you haven't been blogging or sewing.
Well, I will LOVE to see the transformation but don't envy you the decisions. Not my strong suit! What an amazing house!
Nice house. I could stand just having a room the size of the first photo with those doors going outside. I love lots of windows and open airy places.
When we moved into our home, eleven years ago, all the walls were off-white. I've gradually added color. We added a pale green in the family room. Khaki and beige in the kitchen. Lime green in the dining room. Mustard yellow in DS's room. My favorite has been the khaki walls. They give a warmth to the room. I had to live in each room a bit before I knew what I wanted. Paint works wonders. Love the roominess of your home. What an awesome laundry room:) Take care! Surprised you have time to blog, but sure am glad that you do:)
i sure don't envy all of the decisions to be made, I still think this could be fun......a new adventure! Love the laundry room!!!
omg...What a beautiful home you are working on..
OOO...by the way...be SURE to stop by my blog in the morning...or even a little later tonight..I have something that will WARM up your new home...heh heh heh...
xo bj
When we bought our house in Florida about six months ago it started my jouney. I moved from a home in another state with medium dark wooden floors and half high wood panel walls to a typical Florida home. It has very pale beige walls, beige carpet, white cabinets in the kitchen and baths and white moulding. The only color in the whole house was the living room which they chose navy blue EVERYTHING, carpet, walls, blinds, wall paper...I am 6 months in this house and still at a loss as to what to do. The only thing I know is the navy carpet has got to go and I am pulling down the navy wallpaper.
WOW! Your new home is HUGE!! Have a wonderful time 'dressing' it up! :-)
Well girl you're a wee bit busy, no time to sew, lol!
For myself, I'm very changeable, I move furniture and art around a lot and also change my mind on colors. I also like to change colors for the season. So my walls stay neutral - I add color with accessories. Much easier than painting, for me.
Decorate with colors and things you love. You're so good at it, I know you'll make this home a wonderful, beautiful haven for your family, hon!
What a beautiful home. Nice open canvas for decorating. I'm sure you'll do a great job whatever you do.
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