Yes my sweet peeps, the time has come. During this time of year, we think back on the things we are thankful for. I am very thankful for the many blessings that have come my way. And this year I have so much to be thankful for. After many years of debating whether to build or buy, we are grateful for the house the Lord directed us to. My family has been amazing as we moved to a new house, and then they cared for me when I had my fall.
Blessings sometimes come is surprising ways. Walking through this adventure called life, we cross many paths. Two years ago I would never have thought about blogging. I'd been reading the Pioneer Woman, and one day it seemed like a fun idea to chronicle my quilting story. I never would have thought that I'd have enough to talk about, and actually have people (that's you guys) read my little blog.
It's been so encouraging, amazing, exhilarating, humbling to know each and every one of YOU!! Because you see, there appears to now be
400 Posts
In the spirit of thankfulness, I think the time has come to have a little giveaway :-)
First off, Christie, Describe Happy was my 400th follower, so she will automatically be receiving a little prize. And here is the giveaway scoop. I'm offering for this giveaway two Charm Packs of Winter Wonderland by Arrin Turnmire, plus one yard of coordinating fabric. This is a flannel collection of fabric. Two spools of matching thread and a little Schnibbles pincushion that I made. I also may throw in a couple of other goodies as well.
400 Posts
In the spirit of thankfulness, I think the time has come to have a little giveaway :-)
First off, Christie, Describe Happy was my 400th follower, so she will automatically be receiving a little prize. And here is the giveaway scoop. I'm offering for this giveaway two Charm Packs of Winter Wonderland by Arrin Turnmire, plus one yard of coordinating fabric. This is a flannel collection of fabric. Two spools of matching thread and a little Schnibbles pincushion that I made. I also may throw in a couple of other goodies as well.

To be entered for this giveaway, just leave a comment on this post. And because I love my sweet followers, if you are a follower leave a SECOND comment to be entered a second time. If you are new to my blog, I invite you hop onboard and become a follower. If this blog should make it to 500 followers (woo-hoo!) I will add a second prize ;-D
1. Comment on this post = 1 entry (be sure that you have a way to be contacted)
2. If you are a follower, add an extra comment and let me know = 1 extra entry
I am counting each of you, my blogging friends, as a blessing to me. You make my life so much richer with your love for life, creativity and encouragement.
"Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel." ~Author Unknown
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»Happy 400 posts and followers... I have been a follower for a while now, but just made it "official"
How did I miss that fabric...what a great giveaway!
Happy 400! What pretty fabric.
Congratulations on 400 posts and followers! I'm so thankful to have you as a blogger friend! :o) Happy Thanksgiving!
I never thought I would like blogging, but it has become a regular part of my day. I wanted my cousin Martha to be able to see my quilts. I still don't think she has looked....grin.
Thanks for the giveaway. I love that fabric.
I'm a follower!
Congratulations on the OVER 400 followers.
I'm following with Google Reader. :)
Happy big 4-0-0!!! Unreal to see me in your post -- too cool!! Did I mention that love flannel??
And, I am also a follower! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanks so much and congratulations!
And here's my second chance. Love that fabric~
Congratulations on your 400 followers and posts.
I have been a happy follower for quite some time. Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, it has been a very full year for you. It is good to hear how God has blessed you with direction and love from family. I really enjoy reading along.
The fabric and thread and pincushion look so festive together. Thank you for such a generous giveaway.
And yes, I'm a follower :-)
Congrats on the 400th post and the magic 400 followers! Love reading your blog!
I am a follower too!
Thanks Sharonj.
Best wishes on the dual milepost!
The giveaway looks yummy.
Thank you very much for the great giveaway.
I´m a follower.
I am kinda new...Congrat's... hope you hit 500 sooner than expected!
Very cute fabric...I think I need it!!
I'm a faithful follower!
Love that quote - I think I may borrow that for my facebook! :)
And I'm a *long* time follower. LOL! :)
Congratulations on reaching those milestones! Love the giveaway too! Thanks so much! :0)
And of course I'm a follower too! Thanks again! :0)
Because I do so love Christmas fabric, here is my official 2nd entry.
I am a very happy follower!
What a lovely give away, I love that fabric! Congratulations on so many posts!!! I love your blog and have been reading for some time but just got on your followers list!
I'm a follower! :o)
Great Giveaway! Congratulations on the milestone!
I am a follower!
Well I'm new but I love your blog! Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks so much for the sweet giveaway!
I just got on board and became follower! What fun!
Congratulations! Thanks for a chance to win!
I'm a happy follower. Thanks for a chance to win!
Congratulations on 400 posts and followers! What a fun giveaway, thank you for the generous giveaway items!
I have been a follower for quite awhile now! :)
I am new to the world of blogging. What an inspiration your blog is, 400 posts and followers. Woo Hoo!!! I took a little tour and love what I see. I will have to come back when I have more time.
Congratulations!!! Wow such a great milestone! Thank you for the chance to win!
I am a very happy follower!! Thank you for all your creativity!!
I know I have enjoyed coming here since I discovered your blog! Congrats on your milestones!
I didn't realize I wasn't an "official" follower. I have had you on my google homepage, following you...but...I have fixed the error of my ways by clicking your follow button! ;o)
Wow 400...congrats.
I am a follower, so please enter me in your giveaway. And Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats on over 400 Followers! I was already subscribed in Google Reader, but recently learned you need to click the Follower button to add to your I did. I was like no. 409
Great giveaway. I don't remember seeing that line and the flannel design looks really nice.
And I count you as a blessing to me too! Thank you for the fun giveaway! Congrat's on 400!
And I am a happy follower too! :-) Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations Jocelyn! I wasn't expecting a giveaway.. Thanks for your generosity. Stop by to see my new quilt design. I hope you get 100 more followers.
I'm already a happy loyal follower. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Do you know I thought I was a follower but apparently wasn't? I'm official now!!
Congrats on both 400+ followers and 400th post! I need to go see how many I have...I do believe you have me beat! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...and the first official one in your new home!!
Congratulations!!!! 400 is awesome! Thank you for sharing your quilting life and personal life with us. It is a blessing to have you in the blogging world. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!
I'm a follower, of course:)
Happy 400! What milestones to have reached! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.
I'm a follower (a happy one!) too!
I've been subscribed to your blog via Atom feed, but now I'm a follower. Congratulations on hitting 400 followers and posts.
Winter Wonderland looks like a fun collection. Thank you for the giveaway.
Love your blog & the give away, too! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A
I follow you, too!
Sandy A
I love your blog ... so 400 followers doesn't surprise me. ha!
And how much do I love your blog ... enough to have been a follower for some time now! ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving! It's my favorite time of year. ~~Lisa
I just officially became a follower, #414. I have read your blog for months but just added myself as a follower. Congratulations on 400 posts *and* 400 followers. ~~Lisa
Happy 400+!
And Happy Thanksgiving!
A happy follower here!
Thanks for having a giveaway!
Thank for the chance to win that cool flannel
I am also a follower. Thanks! Jane
400 followers and 400 posts!! My goodness, about timing, lol! Congrats on such excellent numbers! I started reading PW too way back when.
Lovely give-away, hon!
Um, yep, I'm a follower!
I'm a follower ... and SEW glad to be!
400 followers! WOO HOO!!! Would certainly be thankful to be picked as the winner.
I love reading quilt blogs. Its so much fun to see what others are doing. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations on 400x400 milestones reached! Thank you for this sweet giveaway to celebrate. Please enter me into the drawing.
Just became a follower. Hope you hit the 500 mark!
What a great giveaway! Congrats on 400!!
I am a follower of your blog.
I am a follower. Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! I'm hemming mine in with thankfulness as per your unknown author.
I enjoy visiting your blog and getting good ideas. Thanks!
Wow - 400 and 400 - congrats. I've been following you on bloglines - you have 12 more followers over there.
Here I am adding to the count to push you over 500. Please enter me in your drawing.
Nice giveaway!! Congratulations on the double 400!!
I follow your blog. :D
Congratulations to one of my favorite bloggers! Please enter me into your giveaway, and thanks!
And I am also a follower!
Congratulations on 400 Followers! You deserve it, you have a fun, inspirational and inspiring blog. Your hard work and the countless hours of time you put into it brings all of us back time and again. Thank you for the great giveaway!
Kelley O
I am a follower and I have had you in my Google Reader for some time now. Thanks again for your blog, i enjoy it more than you can imagine.
Kelley O
What a generous give away, Congrats on the milestone!
I'm also a Happy Cottage follower :)
Awesome giveaway! And what better than flannel for a cozy Christmassy quilt? I'll have to turn the a/c down a few degrees and pretend it's actually winter ;)
And you know i'm a follower!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for your wonderful comments. I'm sure we all feel the same about you. I know that your blogs always brighten my day. :)
Hi again. I have been a follower for some time too. Thanks for the opportunity of the drawing. :)
Wow, the big 400 and I'm one of your followers. Congratulations! Thanks for the opportunity to be in the drawing. Nola
I've been a follower for a while, love your blog.
Please enter me for a chance at your giveaway.
Congratulations on your 400s! Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me for a chance. Thanks.
I just became a follower. Thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving Jocelyn. Congratulations for 400s posts and 400 followers - looking forward for many more to come - Hugs Nat
400!! WOW! Congrats!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I'm a follower...Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Congrats on the 400s! Thank you for another generous giveaway.
Congrats! Please count me in!
I'm a current follower!
A great giveaway. I love those charm squares.
Congratulations! What a cute giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Congratulations, Jocelyn! Cute giveaway - keeping my fingers crossed. :-) I've been a 'follower' for a long time but made it 'official' just now. :-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
400 followers is quite an accomplishment.
I agree, there are some amazing bloggers/quilters out there.
Congratulations on 400+ followers and 400 posts Jocelyn! Thanks for the great blog to read.
Of course I'm a follower!
Congrats on 400 posts and 400 followers! That is something to be proud of!!! Love your giveaway.
You are the blessing but wanted you to know that I am a follower!
400 posts and 400 followers is definitely something to celebrate! Congratulations!
I have enjoyed writing on my blog as well, so I know what a good feeling this is!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am also a follower! I have been one for a pretty good while and enjoy your blog very much!
Hi there, Congrat's on your 400th blog-isn't blogging just amazing! I love the fabric so please enter me. I almost didn't enter when I saw how many people had but then changed my mind.
Hi again, I'm also a follower and so glad that I found you.
Congrats on over 400 followers. I love the patterns on this fabric!
Also, I've been following for about two months now.
Congratulations on 2 years!
I am a follower!
love dropping by your see what you have been stitching!
have just become a follower...
I am a follower!!!! Have been a follower, and will always be a follower....!!
Oh mouth is watering as we speak, what a fun giveaway!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations, Jocelyn. You have been a blessing in the quilting blogland.
Congrats on your 400 or so followers. I am soooo in love with that fabric collection. Thanks for the chance to have some!
I am now a follower.
Congrats & Thanks for the chance!
Blessings to you and your family for a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am a regular follower. Congratulations on reaching 400 posts and 400 followers - quite an accomplishment!
Congratulations on 400 posts and followers .... just a tad more than me :-)
I am a follower ..... Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Love your blog!
Congratulations! and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I'm a follower too!
What a wonderful giveaway! Please count me in, thanks! And I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I'm a new follower!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Strange ... I'm another Paula! Thank you for the giveaway and congratulations on your 400th post!
paulamb at shaw dot ca
Lovely fabrics & a great time to be sewing cozy flannels!
You make our life richer too. Congrats on 426 followers. Great giveaway too.
I am an official follower now!
Those would make such a cute quilt...thanks for sharing them!
I just signed up to follow your blog.
Congrats on your 40th follower. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm a new follower and happy to be one!
COngrats and what a lovely giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I am also a follower.
Congrats on your milestone! :)
Thanks for the give away
I follow!
Congrats! Such a fun giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm a new follower & THANKS for becomming mine.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for a WiN !!
Now I'll cross my toes as well... may as well be in it twice. ThAnKs !!
Thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely giveaway!!
Isn't blogging the greatest. Congrats on 400.
Someone will be very happy to win those fabrics.
Wow! 400 posts and followers! Can't imagine!
Thanks for your inspirations! ♥
I am already a follower.
Great give away, thanks for the chance!♥
Wow! What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win! Congratulations on 400+ followers. (as of now you are well on your way to 500-- more than 1/3 of the way there)
I am also a follower. Love your blog!
Happy 400th post and follower. Thank you for a great giveaway. You should be getting the gifts. Blogging is hard at times to maintain.
Wow, congratulations on your 400th post. I love your blog, thanks for the possibility of winning fab fabric.
I am also a follower. Thanks!!
Congratulations on your 400 followers and posts! Thank you for this lovely giveaway!
Just found your blog and I am enjoying it!
Just became a follower, have a wonderful day.
Congrats on reaching 435 followers!
Just found your blog, am now a follower!
Congratulations on the big 400!
You know I never really thought about what inspires me...but now that I think about it I would say it is every person out there in blog land that I come across...there is something on all the blogs that I follow/read that makes me appreciate how talented we all are in different inspires me to see wonderful, caring people who are willing to share their skills by sharing tutorials or ideas...wonderful people who have give aways or give to others in need....the way others give when sad times fall on others in tragedies around the world....congrats on your 400 followers of which I am one...hugs Khris
Congratulations on the 400/400! And what a generous giveaway.
JoanOH at cinci dot rr dot com
I'm a new follower (I would have followed, giveaway or not! Now I'm off to do some reading on your blog!)
joanoh at cinci dot rr dot com
Happy 400 day!
Congrats! That fabric is beautiful!
I am a new follower too!
Great fabric!
I see you're up to 440 followers now!
I'm a follower
how exciting to hit 400!
I'm a new follower too!
Congrats on the blog! And thank you for the giveaway!
Congrats on 400 followers. I'm sure you will be up to 500 in no time. Your blog is very enjoyable.
Oh, I love this fabric! I'd make a great quilt out of it! thanks for the chance
I'm also your follower! congratulations on 400 followers... you'll soon have 500!!!
Congrats on 400 posts and 400 followers! I'm one of them! :o)
Neat fabric! I'd love to make something with it. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower. You're getting close to 500.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I love flannel fabrics.
Congrats on 400+ followers and 400 posts. Thanks for the giveaway of beautiful Christmas fabric!
I'm a new follower, pushing the count toward 500.
Oh how I love this's even flannel! Makes me merry just thinking about it.
I am a new follower
What a lovely giveaway. Thank you. It's gorgeous fabric.
I am a new follower :-)
I love that fabric! I just became a follower too!
Nice giveaway! Thanks!
Great giveaway...thanks for the chance to win!
cute fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the giveaway! That is very cute fabric.
I'm a follower.
Congratulations on your 400 followers. These are beautiful fabrics.
Alda, Fl
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