Yesterday our neighborhood was to be without power for most of the day, due to the Electric company changing transformers that keep blowing. So what do you do when you have no power, no water, no coffee pot????
Well I took the opportunity to run some errands. And as such, I also stopped in at the Hospice Thrift store. It's in our old neighborhood, so it's not one that I frequent very often. As I looked around I came upon this sewing machine case.

Of course I had to check out what was inside the case!!
And here is what I found!
Because of the harp opening I thought I had found a Singer 201. A lot of gals are doing their machine quilting on the 201. I asked if the machine worked, and after plugging it in, found that it ran pretty smoothly. So this little baby came home with me.
After I got it home, we discovered the manual in the bottom of the case and it is not a 201 but a Singer 66-16. I don't really know a lot about these older Singers, but checking the serial number I did discover that this machine was manufactured in 1948. The machine looks like it has been used, as it has a few scratches on the bed, but the motor seems to purr.
Does anyone have any idea on what to do to clean this baby up?? I would love to hear from anyone who is using either a 201 or the 66 to do their machine quilting. The harp opening is about 8- 8 1/2" wide.
It's a beauty....but sorry, I know nothing about them other than lots of oil keeping them purring. Should be sites on line to help, or even Bonnie Hunter. She has a love of oldie machines.
One site on line to help you forward could be this one;
much luck
Nella and vintagesewingmachineblog are 2 great sites. I bought a sewing table at an estate sale for 20.00 and when I needed help to load into my car, I found a 1948 15-91!! All attachments plus a buttonholer and a blind hemming attachment. Manual was in a baggie, everything in beautiful shape. I have already rewired the plug and foot pedal (the bakelite button style) with the help of these sites. Check them out!
Use baby oil, or sewing machine oil on the surface with a soft cloth to clean it and make it shine, then buff it with a clean cloth. It is a 66 indeed, but yes, the quilters do love the wider harp opening. I do not quilt on domestic machines, and mine is on a frame, so I can't help you, but there is a great blog called Freemotion by the River at where Connie does all of her quilting on a Singer 15-91. The other websites the previous comments mentioned are wonderful sources of information too! Great find!!!
Really nice machine. Clean with sewing machine oil or I used Baby oil. Then be sure to give her a really good drink of oil as she has probably sat for a long period of time without any and then have fun!!
Here is a great site that I love to read just for the info that is there.
I have a Singer 66 that I converted to a hand crank. Clean it with sewing machine oil and cotton balls. Oil everything that moves (metal against metal). Don't use WD40, or 3 in 1 oil, only sewing machine oil. The others can goop up over time and gunk up your machine. If you were closer, I'd come over and help you out. What fun! My 66 has the 'redeye' decals. It was a treadle before I converted it.
What a beautiful machine. Lucky you!~
NICE find!!!
It's beautiful!!!
Michelle is another great resource for help. She rescues machines and fixes them up. She is very knowledgeable. Do not use cleaners on it to clean it up. Only use oil. I use baby oil to clean mine.
Congrats! I have an old Singer from the 50s and it works great! Very smooth. I couldn't lower the feeds dogs, so I just taped a business card over the feed dogs and punched a hole in it. Couldn't figure out the pressure foot pressure though. Was always too tight. Good luck!
Lucky you...she is beautiful. I know there is a guy who restores them and if you google his site will come up. He even has a You Tube video. Jean has his DVD and said it was excellent.
Great find! Enjoy stitching away on her! I've always thought these old Singers were such *pretty* machines! :)
Beautiful sewing machine!! I love doing my FMQing on my 15-91 Singer and I'll send you some links that will help you!
I have a 201 and a 99. The 201 doesn't have a visible belt, it is gear driven (hence no belt needed) internally. Great find! You will love this.
Oops - not a 99 (what was I thinking?) but my other vintage Singer is a 15-91. I love the 201 best. btw - it also will weight a ton.
Patti (I am always bad with numbers)
*SWOON* Oh. you. lucky. girl.
I found one of these at a yard sale, situated beautifully in a 1940's sewing table. She is my "work horse" and never lets me down. I am no professional sewing machine repair person, but I just jump in with a screwdriver, sewing machine oil, and Qtips, take apart what I can and clean and oil everything I can get to. It works for me :) I've disassembled, cleaned and oiled several machines now, including my beloved Singer treadle that sews like a dream!
What a fantastic find- I got a little featherweight in the summer who was born in 1947. I just took it into my sewing shop and had it tuned up. I love piecing on it- it is fabulous and so light weight for taking to class.
Have fun with your find.
Hi! I'm from Blue Eyed Beauty Blog and saw your comment on Garage Sale Gal about a problem with photos via Picasa Web Albums. Last week my blog wouldn't let me upload ANY pics! I was so MAD! I did figure out the solution though!!! You have to upload pics to your blog which are under 800x600 pixles. I wrote a post about this if you'd like to read more:
Hope this helps!
Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
Wow, how lucky are you well done on your find, I was manufactured in 1948 and most parts still work so I hope you have much pleasure working with her ;0)
Peg xx
Just found you. I was glad to learn that the older machines have a larger harp opening. I'm going to be on the look out for one.
I'm new here, and after reading this post and seeing your beautiful find, may I recommend you checking out the Vintage Sewing Machine group on facebook? The information there is invaluable! I am a member and am learning so much from people half my age!
Great score and thanks for sharing on your blog.
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