With my hubby's health issues and re-injuring my back, I have not been able to do any sewing or quilting. I have, however, been able to read :-)
"The Cost of Betrayal" is a novella written by three amazing suspense writers. And they did not disappoint. Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey, and Lynette Eason each wove great stories that held my interest to the end. They brought good clean stories, with the common thread of betrayal, that are full of suspense, drama, faith, and a bit of romance to keep you reading. Each story keeps you guessing until the end. I have read other books by these same authors and would recommend this novellas as an introduction to their style of writing. If you enjoy suspense novels, you won't be disappointed.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley. I was under no obligation to give a review and the opinions are my own.
Thanks for the book review, as I do enjoy the books you refer me too! Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your husband - may you both feel 100% very soon.
On another note, the news this morning interviewed a writer of what sounds like a very interesting book "The Art of Pschic Reiki" https://amzn.to/2ROzMAF, which I now want to check out and I thought you might also be interested.
Oh Jocelyn I'm sorry you're both not feeling well, I'm praying for you both! The book sounds good, that's about all I'm doing lately is reading....my library has a 10 cent cart where I've been finding all KINDS of oldies but goodies!
I hope your back heals soon, and that hubby is on the road to recovery.
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