I know this has been said before on several other blogs, but I would like to encourage everyone to be helping hands. Barb from Bejeweled Quilts by Barb lives in America Samoa, where they were hit by the Tsunami last week. Barb and her family are safe, but there are needs. Many people have lost everything. If you would like to help, please send Barb or Pat an email. Barb suggested sending priority flat rate boxes. It costs us only half as much to ship this way then in our own boxes.
Also many of you already know about the accident that happened to Terry's ( Terry's Treasures) husband. Please go to Laurie's blog ( A Yankee Quilter), and find out how to donate a quilt block that will go towards a comfort quilt for Terry's family.
We are a big quilting community, and with each others help, we can send some comfort and relief to those in need. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and to make an effort to do something for one of our fellow quilters.
Skywatch Friday
16 hours ago
I am sending a package today to Barb...I'm trying to get my act together to get a quilt block made for Terry...this is what life is about...helping when someone is in need. We never know when it will be us. Thanks for being part of making this happen for both of these great ladies.
God bless
Quilters are the most big hearted group of people. I sent my packages off this morning.
Thanks for posting this. The response so far has been heartwarming.
Thanks for the info. I will get right on it.
Thanks for the heads up, Jocelyn!! You are a sweetie.
Chrispy is "sew" right. Quilters/seamstresses are "sew" giving.
Thanks for the heads-up about Barb, I'll head over there now - got my block made for Terry and am shipping it Wednesday. Quilters are good people!
Sent my box to Barb today.....and have blogged about the Tsuname needs and her blog several times now. People who do the twitter thing, need to start twittering about this......get hundreds of boxes going to Barb for these poor people who lost everything.
I am sorry, I am having a time getting my comments to post...but will keep trying.
You are so wonderful to post of American Samoa and of Terry. My block it ready to send.
There are so many amazing people out there, one of which is you. Thanks soooo much
The effort to help our quilter friends is strong and going well. Feels good to be a support system for each other during life's ups and downs.
Thank you for posting about this!
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