Friday, October 16, 2009

Shopping for inspiration

Last week I traveled with my dear sweet hubby to South Carolina. I've never been there before, and we had a wonderful trip. On the way home, I asked my dear sweet hubby if we could possibly stop in Jacksonville. Being the sweet guy that he is, he took me to the Olde Green Cupboard :-)

I've only been there once before, and it is such an incredible quilt shop.

A little virtual tour -
They were starting to decorate for Christmas already.
Lots and lots of yummy fabrics,
and beautiful samples,
and more gorgeous samples.
Just makes your heart go pitter patter with inspiration.

And today, YEAH, the mailman brought me a pattern that has been elusive to me.......
Funny, the last time I had a hard time finding the fabric, and this time it was the Schnibbles pattern. But thanks to Sinta and Sherri, I was able to track one down. And for a little peek at my fabric choices............

Have a great quilty day!


Cindy said...

LOL, My REAL name is Cindy Lou. Now THIS is funny. I LOVE it (she says as she giggles!)

What inspirational photos - I just love when bloggers share quilt shop photos. Thank you

Crispy said...

Ooooo pretty pattern and fabrics!! Have you started it yet???? LOL


luv2quilt2 said...

Don't you just love quilt shops? I could spend hours in them. That's such a cute pattern, and your fabric choices look great.

Denise :) said...

Oh my -- what fun!! Lucky you! I'm glad you had such a great time! Denise :)

andsewon said...

Lovely shop indeed.
Will have to pop in when we next make a run down to St. Auggie.
Oh I love your fab choices!!
Have some sewing fun!

Shirley said...

Great quilt shop. I think it's great that they put their tree up already. I'm one of those people who hate it when the Christmas decorations start appearing in the stores the end of September, but a quilt shop is different. Our work takes time and it's great to have the motivation so we can get our things finished on time.

Barb said...

I didn't notice until today that we have the same background....great minds.

Love the shop, wish I could have been there with you.

karen said...

Can't wait to see the finished product. It will be so pretty.

Robin said...

What a lovely store! Though I don't think I'm really ready for all those reminders of the holidays quite yet! (I prefer to live in denial a little longer.) :)

It looks like your next Schnibbles is going to be a stunner! I love the fabrics you've chosen. :)

Allie said...

LOL - I have a friend whose name is Cindy Lou - she calls herself Cindy Lou Who - maybe I should get this pattern and make her one! Wait, I already made her a quilt. Ok then.
That looks like a great shop and how sweet of hubby to take you! I really love your color choices for this quilt.

RosaMaría said...

I've never been to a quilt shop, in my town that does not exist :(.... but is so great see your pictures!!!! thanks for sharing!!!

Betsy said...

cute shop and great purchases

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful quilts - they sure are inspiring!

Val said...

Oh I just loved seeing all these goodies. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
Thanks for the pics of the Olde Green Cupboard, I was in Jax, 2 weeks ago, but was not able to visit the shop, so I really appreciate the pics. Your fabric choices for the new pattern are exceptional, post some pics when your done.

*karendianne. said...

How fantastic! You know it's just around the corner from my house. I live there. How neat to know you were there. Fun!

Gina said...

What a great shop.
I love the fabric choices for your new quilt

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip!

Micki said...

I would have loved to go to that quilt shop!

Mel said...

Love your color choices for Cindy Lou Who - I'm still waiting for my pattern to arrive.

Thanks so much for sharing the trip to the quilt shop - I love when quilters share!!

I particularly love the red / green embroidery quilt!

julia said...

Great shop!!! Where did you go in SC?

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a wonderful shop! I love all the inspiration too. Have fun with Cindy Lou! :-)

HOPE said...

So nice to find a great Quilting Blog...I always love to see Quilt shop displays and the already made much inspiration!

Love the photos you have shared all over your blog!


dream quilt create said...

That quilt shop is an hour and a half from me but it's the favorite I've found in Florida so far.

Marianne said...

I have been wanting to go to the Olde Green Cupboard for ages now, 4 hour drive for me. Thanks for the peak inside!